We got by on one set for a couple hours of play, finally needing to replace them when the firmware update required more battery life.
We walked through poison oak and got scratched by thorns.
I know you want to come here on vacation too one day! Clive and his wife left us once we got to Germany by train.
When climbing the hill, we not only got relaxed by enjoying the beauty of nature but also learned how to smooth away difficulties and help each other.
I don't think I have ever felt so cold by the time we got back to dry land.
By the time we got to middle school, it was clear that my older brother preferred meditation, while I was a born performer who preferred the theatrical, even when off stage.
So we ranked the past ten years' CEAs by the average quality of the economics departments where their senior economists got their PhDs.
Sometimes I think we were meant to be one person who got split by mistake, our heart a globed fruit pulled in two, my half gone rotten.
We weren't sure whether a model in which you managed your selections by means of a queue and got a movie in the mail a few days later would catch on.
One of the greatest achievements at Pixar was that we brought these two cultures together and got them working side by side.
I knew the crowd would be tired and bored by the time we got up, but I took a gamble and chose to speak last.
Travel was a frequent subject of futuristic predictions, as people at the turn of the century believed that the way we got from one place to the next would drastically change by the year 2000.
When Young began his vows, we locked eyes and the only way I got through mine without wobbling was by holding his gaze.
"My black heart," says one black woman as she contemplates marrying out, "I would need to turn it in." "we know it's a struggle," says another, "but we women got to stand by the black man."
Yet as the proud owner of the anatomical bit derided by the word in question, I have begun to wonder why we ever got so worked up about it in the first place.
We used to arrive around noon, and my son would miss the whole program because by the time we got there, we would have to return home.
If we go home now, we'll be scolded by the family for being too late; and if we go home later at 10 o 'clock, they'll hug us and be pleased that we finally got home safely.
A brand new car was out of the question unless we stopped by the hospital and got a transfusion for my purse on the way.
We got lost without the GPS, and by the time we got there, Cassandra’s friends had already left.
“We know it’s a struggle, ” says another, “but we women got to stand by the black man.
And we got acquired by yahoo, he now works at the yahoo UG office.
My mother struggled to raise my younger brother and me on her own; in one way or another we always got by without our father. We had what we needed.
By the time we got to Denver, we got used to walking with the gait of ducks; we got used to the sway of the bathroom; we got used to strangers.
It was very late by the time we got home and got to bed and I didn't know if I would be able to sleep but I had to admit I was feeling very tired.
Okay I have put it slightly differently this week; you remember last week I got in trouble by phrasing it more or less because we don't want the premises to be less probable than the conclusion do we?
It took us a good long time to reach the mouth of the river, so, instead of returning by sea, we got off the boat there and walked back home over the sands of the beach.
Sure, we got to our present size by eating other galaxies, but the time of unrestrained gluttony is in the past, and that's good.
Sure, we got to our present size by eating other galaxies, but the time of unrestrained gluttony is in the past, and that's good.