We know who we can depend on in our lives and turn to them when we need help.
We need help at the Children's Center.
Meeting Lisa has reminded me how we need help from people we don't know.
A lot of times we do not want to admit to the people around us that we need help.
SAYID: Charlie. We need help with the fire. No one will see it if it isn't big.
But that night I pray. "Dear God, I need help. We need help. It's just not working."
But please know that those two are just the tip of the iceberg. There are more and we need help.
Again, thinking of new types of interaction - universally available functionality - is where we need help.
We need help to move aside those lower forces of fear and allow love to guide us into our purposeful future.
VBA model is huge and we need help in understanding the VBA usage patterns for prioritizing as we progress.
If we need help from team B (or whoever wrote the code that conflicts with ours) go fetch them and work together to sort it out.
Often pride prevents us from accepting the help of others. We are afraid that others might think less of us if we need help.
No. Sorry. Somebody? Hello? There are two people stuck on an escalator and we need help. Now, would somebody please do something?
No. Sorry. Somebody? Hello? There are two people stuck on an escalator and we need help. Now, would somebody please do something?
And since we have different expectations than our male counterparts, we need help decoding the organizational landscape that we're a part of.
We need help: According to research firm The Radicati Group, a typical corporate user sends and receives about 110 messages every day, while nearly 294 billion emails are sent every day.
我们需要帮助:据技术研究公司The Radicati Group的调查,一位典型的办公室用户每天要收发将近110封邮件,而每日被发送的邮件有2940亿封。
New Zealand is a country that has beautiful surroundings, clean air and nice climate. People in this country are very friendly. Whenever we need help, they always come around and offer their help.
They're all now fine at writing and sending emails, but our trainer has just moved away, and we need two or three volunteers who can help the residents create documents.
We have no pride in our growing interdependence, in the fact that our system can serve others, that we are able to help those in need.
This much is clear: we need to find ways that help us flatten the hockey-stick curves that reflect our ever-faster pace of ecological destruction and social acceleration.
We need a little something to help sometimes, to uplift us and make us feel better.
We need to help our children learn how to best work with smart computers to improve human decision-making.
We need to identify visions and paths that will help us imagine a different, more just and more ecological world.
What we really need at a policy level is to decide where the money will come from to help support good-quality local green spaces.
What we really need at a policy level is to decide where the money will come from to help support good quality local green spaces.
What we really need at a policy level is to decide where the money will come from to help support good quality local green spaces.