However, I believe that we should be prepared to do even more, to become even more transparent.
We should be prepared to deal with the subversion and sabotage by all our enemies, domestic and foreign.
Let's meet with the team next week. And if we come up with an idea that's got legs we should be prepared to run with it.
Perhaps the moral is that for a whole range of very different historical reasons, we should be prepared to be surprised by Africa, just as we have learned to be surprised by China.
We should be prepared for the day when Europe has to take care of its own security.
However, we should be prepared that media relations are not to be changed overnight.
The Ricard test helped us quite a bit with a large turnout of personnel, meaning that pretty much the entire team has had the opportunity to work on the new car, so we should be pretty well prepared.
As a result we should all be prepared more certainly to address living in a barter economy and an economic environment that is increasingly volatile hostile and challenging.
We cannot tell you how to get into the school of your choice or what you should study to be prepared.
The heavy field always affects al footballer. But it should be prepared for any situation. If one must put more physically, we will put it, and I refer even to the alignment.
Should you be prepared to reduce the price by, say 5%, we would place trial order with you.
On the other hand, if the computer has any suspicion that we might be wrong (which is always), it should anticipate our changing our minds by being prepared to undelete the file upon our request.
Given that the road to happiness always contains obstacles and setbacks, we should be well prepared for the hardships that life inevitably brings, and abandon the idea that life is smooth or easy.
Should you be prepared to reduce the price by, say, 5%, we would place trial order with you.
We agreed that international disputes should be settled without the use of the threat of force and we agreed that we are prepared to apply this principle to our mutual relations.
Should you be prepared to reduce the price by, say, 5%, we would place our trial order with you.
At the same time we should be fully prepared to deal with any emergency on a local or national scale.
We should be prepared for analogous effects in humans: for example, in children born to mothers who may have been exposed to war well before becoming pregnant, " Prof. Leshem concluded."
If any fault occurred due to the non-access reason that should be prepared by the principle, we won't assume the liability.
Should you be prepared to reduce your price, we might come to terns.
If they have these problems, we should be fully prepared - to add, amend, explain and so on.
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. And their motto is to be prepared. Probably it's only a few simple words but don't you think that is what we really should do?
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. And their motto is to be prepared. Probably it's only a few simple words but don't you think that is what we really should do?