You could also start from scratch in RMC and not rely on any explicit method definitions that we provide.
Now we must create the table structure in the database, which also wipes out the existing tables and data (if there's any) and start from scratch.
If we were to start from scratch, how would we design a diet to keepour weight under control?
Now going back to play in the World Cup as champions is great, but we have to start over from scratch and, from what I’ve heard, we’re not among the favourites.
如今以卫冕冠军出战世界杯好极了,不过我们必须从零开始。 而据我所知,我们并没有在热门之列。
We just felt like you could start from scratch and build a culture that doesn't have those bad habits already cooked into it.
To program our user interface, we don't have to start from scratch; instead we can modify one of the JSP-based UIs that are supplied with Omnifind Discovery Edition 8.4.
要对用户界面进行规划,不必从头开始,只需修改基于jsp的ui之一即可,这些UI是随omnifind Discovery Edition 8.4一起提供的。
Next, though we don't have time to start from scratch right now, you let them burn to gray.
My family has no rich friends, investors, or savings, so if we want to start a business we will have to start from scratch.
Lett's start from scratch and see how quickly we can get the food on the table.
"Don't tell him a thing, Mr. Davis, " young Tom said, "Make him start from scratch like we did. "
"Don't tell him a thing, Mr. Davis, " young Tom said, "Make him start from scratch like we did. "