What we should do instead is take a deep breath and think of all possible consequences and implications.
What we should do instead is take a deep breath and think of all possible consequences and implications. Many times, things are not as bad as we think they are.
Hope is always available to us. When we feel defeated, we need only take a deep breath and say, "Yes," and hope will reappear.
Now we need to slow down our pace and take a deep breath, to see how soft fire makes sweet malt with pure and back-to-zero eyes.
We put our house up for sale a couple of days ago and it seems a good time to stop, take a deep breath — and give thanks for the trustworthiness and simple perfection of life.
When we feel defeated, we need only take a deep breath and say, "Yes," and hope will reappear.
They say we are trying to do too much, that we are moving too quickly, and that we all ought to just take a deep breath and scale back our goals.
From recent scandals to ever present problems, the artist unique approach tells us for once in a while to take a deep breath and consider where we currently stand.
Tomorrow, we'll just have to take a deep breath and be brave. We don't have any choice.
Tomorrow, we'll just have to take a deep breath and be brave. We don't have any choice.