From a public health perspective, however, we do not want to pay for something that does not work when the money could be used for something that does work.
Now, I don't know if they still used that cemetery, I always thought it was too old to be burying new people there, but we were wondering - were they burying something - or digging something up?
It can be hard to escape, and even harder to argue against, the feeling that something we used to love is going away, or already gone.
In recent years, we have even had to be forced kicking and screaming into our directors' commentary for a DVD release, something that used to be a very special thing back in the laser disc days.
"To snap at someone" is to speak rudely, but snap can also be used as a noun. If we say something is a "snap" that means it's very easy and can be learned quickly.
Li Hua: 噢,我懂了,snap用作动词的时候,意思就是对人很凶,不过你刚才说的snap是用做名词,要是我们说somethingisa snap, 意思就是很容易就能学会的事,哎,那不就是我们中文里所说的“小菜一碟”吗?
We are doing something new that used to be the province of "they", "They, the Media" – now it's "We – The Media".
If there's a mockup or some cool flavor added in somewhere to show something off, we want to build it so that it can actually be used.
It's incredible. We used to be kids, too, you know... We only get to be children once in our life and it's something, I think, Walton School holds in its philosophy and in its foundation.
This is something the Internet has made dramatically easier — which is part of the reason we're all so much more aware of copyright than we used to be.
"We've demonstrated that TRAIL itself can be used to attach a drug delivery system to a cancer cell, without using intervening material - which is something we didn't know," Gu says.
We have to believe that our talents are to be used to do something, no matter how big it is, it must be.
We have to believe that our talents are to be used to do something, no matter how big it is, it must be.