We just wanted to play games but they didn't want to admit they were simply buying us a toy, but via our youthful vantage point of technical knowledge we helped assuage their guilt.
In the evening, after finishing the supper, I want to play some games with my family, since it is the precious moment for us get together, we must enjoy the moment.
We may have been taught that the way to get what we want is to follow certain rules, play particular games, or even engage in acts that use less than our highest integrity.
We know SA would want to play us, and in order for them to do that is if they tank 1 game and UTAH wins the last 2 games.
We feel very, very well when we play and we want to continue to play like this and continue to win the games.
But really from a soul standpoint, we're thinking about when you buy your games from us, we want you to be able to play those games on the hardware we sell to you.
We want to do our best to ensure we qualify in a good position. We'll have to play well once there are two games.
That's what we are fighting for. When we play the last few games we want at least to fight for something, then it will be a very interesting finish to the season.
That's what we are fighting for. When we play the last few games we want at least to fight for something, then it will be a very interesting finish to the season.