Los Angeles - The catastrophe unfolding in Gaza has the dark force of a recurring Middle Eastern nightmare: Scattered guerrilla-like attacks from the weak lead to massive retaliation by the strong.
In the latter half of the 20th century, two further forces were unified: electromagnetism and the "weak" force.
Slide - "in 1957 some of us put forward a partially complete theory of the weak force, in disagreement with the results of seven experiments."
Three or four of us, in 1957, put forward a partially complete theory of one of these forces, this weak force.
It was he who led the way to the global banking rescue in October 2008 by force-feeding weak Banks with extra capital.
However, we find that relatively weak passwords, about 20 bits or so, are sufficient to make brute-force attacks on a single account unrealistic so long as a “three strikes” type rule is in place.
然而,我们发现,长度约为20个字符左右、相对较“弱”的密码也已经能够使得针对单一账户的暴力破解变得不现实:只要有“三振出局”的规范即可。 (译者注:原文的“threestrikes”typerule 指的应该是连续三次输入错误密码就会暂时锁死账户,具体可参考此处。)
That could force businesses, hit by weaker consumer demand and an increase in their own costs, to pare operations and cut more jobs in an already weak labor market.
Compared with the other three forces in the universe (electromagnetism, the weak nuclear force and the strong nuclear force), gravity is relatively feeble, making gravitational waves hard to detect.
Modern physics thinks that there are 4 kinds of force in the universe: electromagnetic force, gravitation, strong force and weak force.
Frequent shallow watering can force roots to come up to the soil surface in search of a drink, encouraging a plant to develop a weak structure.
In the strain-data measured experiments of material of mechanics, the bar generates weak strain signal by the less force functioning on the bar.
In addition this method contains weak interference principle of main cable displacement, near influence principle of hangers force and forward alternately tension method.
Focusing on the weak points in the team force of Drug Administration System in the prefecture, the authors provide relevant solution and appeal for high personnel quality in the round.
After preliminary calculating, some imperfections of the former design in this structure, such as weak stiffness, large horizontal force at both end supports and so on, were found.
In the natural world, people have discovered four kinds of forces: the electromagnetic force, the gravitation, the weak force, and the strong force.
Yang is the positive force in the universe, and there is enormous yang and very weak yin (negative force ) in the first, second, and third of the nine trigrams. So the three yang are very positive.
Yang is the positive force in the universe, and there is enormous yang and very weak yin (negative force ) in the first, second, and third of the nine trigrams. So the three yang are very positive.