My hair is disastrous and Iris suggested me to wear a hat when I go out.
“Forget it, ” I thought, “I’m not going to wear a hat, it’s so old-fashioned!”
Wear a hat and scarf to keep heat from escaping through the head, neck and ears.
Always wear a hat and sunglasses that have UVA and UVB filters when in the sun.
Certain places demand a man wear a jacket and tie and ladies should wear a hat.
British women can show their hair, although many people wear a hat when it's cold.
If you don't have much hair on your head, apply sunscreen to the top of your head or wear a hat.
People usually wear a hat and boots to match long gowns, and headcloth and shoes to match short clothes.
Wear a hat. A hat with a brim can be your best friend during a rainy run. It will keep the rain off your face.
Australian women can show their hair, although many men and women wear a hat because the sun is very hot.
On trains she'll wear a hat and sport clothes with no makeup, and she dresses like locals at her destination.
Wear a hat with a brim. It will keep the rain off your face, which makes a huge difference to your comfort level.
Dress smartly - it's an important occasion. Certain places demand a man wear a jacket and tie and ladies should wear a hat.
Inresponse, he took it off and unveiled a lovely white-crowned bald head, and said with a smile: "Do you understand why I wear a hat now?"
His praise will make the fancy that you don't aware of ego up wear a hat, probably can likewise persuade you wear it attendant additional situations.
I will apply sunscreen before I go outdoors. I will try to stay in the shade whenever possible and wear a hat and sunglasses, especially when I'm playing sports.
But hey, it's summer, one of those rare times of the year when you can wear a hat without looking like you're hiding something, so why not take advantage of the opportunity.
Second, when you have classes, you can't wear a hat. Third, don't be late for class. It is not good. Fourth, after class, you can't run or play in the classroom or the hallways.
Of course, remember to bundle up or at least wear a hat when you get out and about if you live in the northern hemisphere. Gemini is not a sign that tolerates the cold very well.
You'll get more wear out of a hat if you choose one in a neutral colour.
Wear protective clothing such as a broad brimmed hat to protect the eyes, face and neck.
It was the coldest inaugural day in the nation's history. But Harrison did not wear a coat or hat.
A black hat is the villain or bad guy, especially in a western movie in which such a character would wear a black hat in contrast to the hero's white hat.
His one fashion concession was that he did not wear his fur cap and instead carried a hat of pure white under his arm.
Wear a wool or breathable hat that can be pulled over your ears.
As a resul t, nacre thickness is sometimes just a cosmetic layer t hat can wear thin over time.
It was a hand-mc-down from my brother, and if made me wonder why I had to wear his ugly clothes, At least my hat and scarf were mine, and they were quite pretty.
The company engages in regular “random acts of kindness”: workers form a noisy conga line and single out one of their colleagues for praise. The praisee then has to wear a silly hat for a week.
He also used to have a Kazakh Army hat on hand, which he would wear when he wanted to scold his assistants.
He also used to have a Kazakh Army hat on hand, which he would wear when he wanted to scold his assistants.