If at that time you rush to water to blunt, because of the small sand attached easily lacquer face wear away.
Cushion can turn over changeover to use, answer to retroflexion every week, make wear away to distributing equably.
Eruption still can wear away in engine other a lot of components, affect the generation of engine power and thrust.
The paper introduces the method of wear away measurement in four_balls machine testing make use of image processing, and system formation.
She had never been malicious, which is relative kindness; and then, years wear away the angles, and the softening which comes with time had come to her.
Globalization should not and can not wear away national cultures and differences of different civilizations, still less decompose the sovereignty of countries.
By glassy, the eruption cloud that coarse rock particle forms jams not only engine, still can wear away windshield, attaint plane navigation and communication system.
There is a story that tells how Confucius was such an avid and diligent reader that he would wear away the strips of ox-leather used to bind the pages of bamboo books together.
By influencing of the tunnel pressure in Yuanzhuang Coal Mine, the end frame of the main belt conveyor became inclination and deformation. It made belt run slantingly and wear away seriously.
Design of scientist of England of bedspring football shoe gives a kind of sufficient gym shoes of bedspring , this kind of shoe can reduce sufficient ministry to wear away articulatorily flimsily.
In his first diary, he mentioned, "news is going around about a bad cold virus in Wuhan, but I feel world's away from me and few people wear masks in public."
Hide ICONS, turn off devices, wear earplugs, or do whatever it is you need to do to keep the distractions from luring you away from your work.
And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, we will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.
On mild days, wear running gloves that wick moisture away.
Wear socks that wick away wetness but keep your feet warm. Runner Joe McNulty of Philadelphia swears by nonitchy SmartWool socks.
Aim the vents in your car away from your eyes, or wear sunglasses as a shield.
But he says the novelty of using tech accessories as clocks is starting to wear off, and he says "time that's just a flick of the wrist away" is catching on as the more convenient device.
They closed a show where the evening wear had moved deftly away from red carpet shine and glitter.
Wear running attire made of synthetic materials that wick moisture away.
Another great method for keeping cool is to wear loose fitting clothing, especially if they are made of cotton, to draw moisture away from your body.
They are abrasive and can wear your enamel away and in the long-term lead to sensitivity and darkening of your teeth as the enamel wears and the inner amber-coloured dentine becomes visible.
The finishes are superior, the fabric more expensive and the general quality far and away beyond the average wear-it-once frocks you find at stores like Forever21.
Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time.
thanks to our chemical engineers that let man go away from the paradox while before you visit the conventional toner plant, you wear one of those, how do you call it, the black coat t get dirty.
To avoid bad health, stay away from unclean water, rotten fruit, etc. and wear warm, dry clothes. Cleaning your wounds with alcohol helps to avoid illness too.
To avoid bad health, stay away from unclean water, rotten fruit, etc. and wear warm, dry clothes. Cleaning your wounds with alcohol helps to avoid illness too.