It is important for us to wear seat belts while driving cars.
Yet only 38% of poor countries ask both front - and back-seat passengers to wear seat belts.
Drivers have been required to wear seat belts since 2008. Passengers may soon have to follow suit.
Withseat belts in all cars, more people wear seat belts, and the probability of surviving a major auto accident rises.
Women who wear seat belts are 47% more likely to be injured in a car accident compared with men who wear seat belts, according to a study by the American Journal of Public Health.
Put it this way: From a public health perspective, we don't know who'll get into a car accident, but we tell everyone to wear their seat belts.
Drivers and passengers in the car must wear a seat belt, airbag is a passive safety device, only with the use of seat belts, in order to have a real security effect.
If we don't wear our seat belts it doesn't matter, because we have air bags.
Now the driver and the front-seat passenger are required to wear safety belts.
Bus drivers are required to wear seat - belts if fitted.
Eat your vegetables. Don't smoke. Wear your seat belts. We all know some basic ways to help extend our lives (even if we don't follow them). But how do we extend our careers?
In a car, the driver and the passenger in the front seat have to wear safety belts.
If the car is going really fast and runs into something, seat belts could even hurt the people who wear them.
If the car is going really fast and runs into something, seat belts could even hurt the people who wear them.