The weather forecast is for showers and overcast skies.
If Phil casts no shadow because the sky is overcast, the prognosis is for mild weather and an early spring.
About 40 minutes before the aftershock, local residents said the weather in Hanzhong City became overcast and high winds began to blow. Mobile communication was in failure for a while.
Generally speaking, we should choose in the day, especially when there is the sun, do not move in overcast weather, so the child will increase some happy feeling.
The overcast and rainy weather found out his arthritis.
Today's overcast misty days, and did not know last night's fireworks, or due to weather conditions, but every New Year's Day are the kind of weather!
As in Guangzhou, the weather has been overcast and rainy continuously for more than three weeks, I was worrying that tomorrow will be raining the night before we started.
Taj Mahal in overcast weather resembles a floating blurry mirage in misty winter.
The Finished date of low temperature and overcast rain weather is later and the days of that is more than normal as a result of eastward Elnino event.
Shandong omits observatory proposal, weather of overcast and rainy may give traffic, big canopy vegetable birth etc bring adverse effect, should notice to take photograph official seal model measure.
When sunny, clear well water ice pure and the sky overcast, when well water for turbidity is unclear, but also occasionally smoke appeared, the villagers dubbed "the weather."
How time flies! This 1 day, the weather was fine, Niu Lang in child care, suddenly clouds covered by Sun, wind and overcast air attack.
How time flies! This 1 day, the weather was fine, Niu Lang in child care, suddenly clouds covered by Sun, wind and overcast air attack.