Transformed the company from a content provider to a large-scale web application developer.
To the Web application developer, it might look like he doesn't have the same-origin policy at all.
In this case, it looks to the Web application developer like he's communicating with the proxy server directly.
In the next section, you'll change roles from being a Web service developer, to being a Web application developer.
Let's say you're a new Web application developer, and you haven't had much chance to play around with security features.
Note that you can hide the use of a proxy server in the implementation of the Ajax library used by the Web application developer.
Then, you'll be a Web application developer, using your Web service to build a Web application that shows the last trading prices for a list of stocks.
然后,您将是一名Web应用程序开发人员,利用您的 Web服务构建一个 Web 应用程序来显示一列股票的最终交易价格。
As a Web application developer, you use the WSDL for a particular Web service to create the code that locates, builds messages for, and invokes the Web service.
However, as a Web application developer, you might want to automate that search or enable your Web page visitors to view information retrieved from the blogosphere based on their own search criteria.
Application Developer also generated a sample application that let us invoke the Web service.
Application Developer还生成了一个让我们调用Web服务的样本应用程序。
We will get Application Developer to generate the proxy classes and a sample application to run the Web service.
我们将让 Application Developer生成一些代理类和一个样本应用程序来运行Web 服务。
Application Developer provides a wizard that generates client proxies and a sample application for invoking Web services.
Application Developer提供一个向导,该向导生成用于调用Web服务的一些客户机代理和一个样本应用程序。
Use IBM Rational Web Developer V6.0, or equivalent application development tools, to develop your own J2EE applications.
使用IBMRationalWeb Developer V6.0或相当的应用程序开发工具,开发您自己的J2EE应用程序。
Or what if some tests require that the developer deploy the application to a Web or application server environment first?
Many modern Web application frameworks emphasize developer productivity, which is good because developer time is precious, right?
In order to access Web development technologies, today's application developer has a few choices available.
This allows an application developer to develop a Web application without having to worry too much about what kind of environment that application will be deployed to.
Once we have our web services built within Application Developer, they are automatically deployed on the test server and are ready to invoke.
If successful, you will see application Developer swap to the Server perspective and display the sample application input Web page.
如果成功,您将会看到Application Developer切换到Server透视图并显示样本应用程序输入web页面。
The developer can easily test his web application in a desktop browser using the WebKit engine.
Today, almost every popular web site has a developer API, allowing web application programmers to access and manipulate data using standard frameworks such as REST and SOAP.
Part 3 will demonstrate how to use application Developer to create and test a Web application that USES the Web service.
第3部分演示如何使用Application Developer来创建和测试使用Web服务的Web应用程序。
In IBM's application Developer terminology, a Web service itself is simply called a service, which represents the application.
在IBM的Application developer术语中,Web服务本身就被直接称为服务,服务就代表应用。
To make your application use this Web service, you need to add the service to the Rational application Developer IDE, so that it generates all of the necessary Web service classes.
为保证您的程序能够使用这一Web服务,您需要为RationalApplication Developeride添加这一服务,以便于能够产生所有必需的Web服务类。
This will create a server instance and start index.jsp in a web browser in Application Developer.
这将在Application Developer 中创建服务器实例并在Web浏览器中启动index.jsp 。
For instance, you might import a Web page template to your Rational Application Developer Web project to begin developing the Web front end for a business application implementation.
例如,您可能将一个Web页面模板导入到RationalApplication Developer Web项目中,以开始为业务程序执行开始开发 Web前端。
Since currently only stateless session EJBs can be made into Web services with Application Developer, I will demonstrate how to create and use a simple stateless session bean.
因为在目前,使用Application Developer,只有无状态会话ejb能做成Web服务,所以我将讲解怎样创建和使用一个简单的无状态会话bean。
This gives Rational application Developer users the option to use web projects as they begin to develop OSGi applications.
这就给RationalApplication Developer用户一些选项,在开发osgi框架时就可以使用网络项目。
A Application Developer service project includes Web services, objects, and processes artifacts arranged in specific packages.
Application Developer服务项目包括Web服务、对象以及特定包中准备的流程构件。
Following the steps outlined in this article, the technical audience converts a sample static Web site to a dynamic Web site using Rational Application Developer.
遵照本文介绍的步骤,技术读者可以利用RationalApplication Developer将示例的静态Web站点转换为动态web站点。