Now you can start creating a Web Archive (WAR) file that you will eventually deploy on Geronimo.
现在,可以开始创建一个Web存档(Web Archive,WAR)文件。 该文件最后将部署在Geronimo 上。
However, with Axis it's a matter of building an Axis Archive file (.aar), which you can easily deploy and redeploy using the Axis2 Web interface.
For example, the deployer calls a Web module builder to process an incoming Web Applications aRchive (WAR) file.
例如,部署程序调用Web模块构造器来处理传入的WebApplicationsaRchive (WAR)文件。
Note that deployment in Axis2 is much simpler than Axis, thanks to the handy build.xml file, Axis Archive files, and the functional Web interface!
注意,在Axis2中部署比在Axis中更简单,这都要归功于方便的build . xml文件、AxisArchive文件和功能性强的Web接口!
Make use of the J2EE Web application archive feature in RSA to export a WAR file so that you can install on a staging or production portal server.
The script creates a Web application archive (WAR) file, that contains all the necessary files for the JSON Universal Services Web application, and which can be deployed to your application server.
这个脚本创建一个Web应用程序归档(WAR)文件,它包含JSONUniversalServices Web应用程序需要的所有文件,并且可以部署到应用服务器。
RedBack provides a Web Archive (war) file for demonstration purposes.
为了进行演示,RedBack提供了一个Web Archive (war)文件。
The servlet context root is specified for each Web application in the deployment descriptor of the enterprise application archive (.ear) file.
Save the new Web module in an archive (WAR file) and exit the assembly tool.
These files (the widgets) can be deployed as a WAR (web archive) file, on server a, for example.
Now that you've created the archive file from Eclipse, you can publish it on a Web server or copy it to your ISP's location so you can use it.
从eclipse创建了归档文件后,就可将其发布到一个Web服务器上或是将其复制到您的IS p处以便您可以使用它。
Web artifacts, including servlets, JSPs, and Web content (like GIF and JPEG files), are packaged in a Web Archive (WAR) file.
Web构件,包括servlet、jsp和web内容(如gif和JPEG文件),被封装到Web Archive (WAR)文件中。
First, compile the source code and build the Web archive (WAR) file for the HelloWorld service.
SampleService.ear, which is the deployable archive file for the Web service provider application
Web applications are built from OSGi modules that are packaged in an archive file with an.eba file extension.
这些web应用程序从一些OSGi模块构建,这些模块打包在一个带有. eba文件扩展名的存档文件中。
The script then creates a Web application archive (WAR) file, that contains all necessary files for the Universal Services Web application, and which can be deployed to your application server.
然后,该脚本创建一个Webapplicationarchive (WAR)文件,这个WAR文件包含UniversalServices Web应用程序所有必需的文件,您可以将它部署到应用服务器上。
After restarting the server, you need to also restart the EAR to be able to use the binary version of the Web archive (WAR) file.
在重新启动服务器之后,您也需要重新启动EAR,从而能够使用Web archive (WAR)文件的二进制版本。
A sample enterprise archive (ear) file named HelloWorld.ear for the Web service generated and exported from Application Developer 4.02 is available for download below.
可在本页下方下载为Web服务而从Application Developer 4.02生成并导出的名为HelloWorld .ear的样本企业归档(enterprise archive, ear)文件。
Extract the contents of the archive into an empty directory and open the index.html file in a Web browser.
将压缩文件的内容解压到空目录中,在Web浏览器中打开index . html文件。
Plan Creator takes a web application archive (WAR) and walks the user through a sequence of steps to auto-generate the geronimo-web.xml file.
PlanCreator接受一个web应用程序存档(web application archive,WAR),并指导用户完成一系列步骤来自动生成geronimo - web . xml文件。
To save all of the information needed to display this page in a single MIME-encoded file, click Web Archive.
To save all of the information needed to display this page in a single MIME-encoded file, click Web Archive.