It maintains a focused browsing history for all programming elements opened in the IDE as well as Web resources accessed.
Web browsing relies heavily on following hyperlinks, building a history of visited pages, and allowing users to retreat to previously visited pages.
Additionally, you can open source code files in RubyMine right from TeamCIty web UI while browsing test results or VCS history.
Internet browsers - Delete your browsing history, cookies, saved passwords, and saved forms from your web browsers.
When you use the private browsing mode, your entire Web session is more secure, since no data is retained in the history or cache.
Like Opera 9.5, Google Chrome fully indexes all the web pages you visit and you can find search results from your browsing history in the address bar.
Bring your Web-browsing window into focus and try moving through the browsing history with left and right swipes.
Note that this will also wipe off all your browsing and visited websites or web pages history as well.
To clear the most visited web sites that appear on your Google Chrome start page, you must clear your browsing history using the method above.
To clear the most visited web sites that appear on your Google Chrome start page, you must clear your browsing history using the method above.