The user requests a secured Web resource.
This is an example issue raised against a Web resource.
The web-resource-name element contains a name of the web resource.
web - resource - name元素包含web资源的名称。
Apache WSRF: This framework greatly simplifies development of your Web resource.
QVectors is another neatly organized web resource for quality vector images.
Doing this protects a Web resource from access by unwanted or malicious visitors.
The Web service looks up information about any given Web resource in the database.
Web服务可以在数据库中查找关于任何给定 Web资源的信息。
Figure 5 shows the security constraint we defined for the SecureServlet Web resource.
Comparing with the web resource preservation, the risk management is a quite mature discipline.
The status change only triggers the notification event when the status is updated using the Web resource.
Using OpenID, I claim an identifier and use it on any site or Web resource that has adopted the protocol.
The Web deployment descriptor (web.xml, shown in Listing 9) maps GreetingService as a servlet-based Web resource.
Web部署描述符(web.xml,如清单9 所示)将GreetingService 映射为一个基于 servlet 的 Web资源。
The Web resource you associate with a target doesn't just need to be a short snippet of text, as in simple comments.
Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a model for describing collections of formalized statements about a Web resource.
资源描述框架(Resource Description Framework,RDF)是一种描述有关Web资源的格式化语句集合的模型。
In the Web Resource Collections section of the panel, click Add to specify a name and the URL pattern for this collection.
A Web resource can be configured to have no filters associated with it (default), a single filter (typical), or even a chain of filters.
In the Web resource Collections section of the panel, click Add to specify a name and any URL patterns for the resources you want to secure.
在面板的Web ResourceCollections部分,单击add为要保护的资源指定一个名字和URL模式。
A protected object could be a Web resource, such as a page or a URL to a service end point to which your browser client is attempting to connect.
RDF is a metadata system with an XML serialization for the Web, a model for describing collections of formalized statements about a Web resource.
Depending on your requirements, you might need to further define which users within the authenticated users group are granted access to a Web resource.
The reason, to put it simply, is that "GETs" are designed for the case where invoking the URL does not substantively change the state of the Web resource.
简单地讲,原因在于“GET ”是专为调用URL却并不实质更改Web资源的状态的情况而设计的。
I noticed that there was no web resource dedicated to this park and I figured if I started something it would be a good excuse for me to get out into the park more often.
When filters were originally introduced in the Servlet 2.3 spec, they could only filter content between the Web client and the specified Web resource the client was accessing.
当过滤器在Servlet 2.3规范中首次引入时,它们只能过滤Web客户机和客户机所访问的指定Web资源之间的内容。
To summarize, REST is simply a specification that indicates a standard approach for a user to invoke operations on a Web resource using HTTP request methods in a Web service style.
Business Partner applications Showcase: you'll gain higher visibility for your company's solutions by nominating your industry applications to appear in this IBM-hosted Web resource.
A unique identifier, which can be as simple as the URI of a blog entry or other Web resource represented by an entry, or as complex as a truly unique 128-bit Globally unique identifier (GUID).
Method permissions map security roles to specific EJB methods and security constraints map security roles to Web resource collections that are a combination of HTTP methods and URL patterns.
While a networked learning environment is an autonomously accessible web resource that combines hypertext course materials, online communication channels, multimedia and other interactive features.
You need to develop a Web service resource analyzer to determine other factors causing system overloads due to interoperability problems and excessive use of resources.
The Web services resource Framework (WS-Resource) defines a family of specifications for accessing stateful resources using Web services.
Web服务资源框架(WS - Resource)定义了使用Web服务访问有状态资源的一系列规范。