B1 User enters web site address in the browser.
The browser will compare a web site address to a list of previously visited sites in the computer.
Also, keeping your newsroom address as part of your company web site address is useful for branding and user experience.
Please provide your name, organization, contact details, web site address and the purpose for which you intend to use the WHO RSS feeds.
In computer usage, to whitelist means to place a name, E-mail address, Web site address, or program on a list of items that are deemed spam - or virus-free.
You can then create a professional-sounding email address that will encourage people to visit your web site.
You could also add information, like a phone number, a fax number, an E-mail address, or a Web site.
When the site displays the address later, the Web browser will execute the script.
If you want user feedback, you'll need to provide either a Web site or-at the very least-an E-mail address.
如果想收集用户反馈,那么需要提供一个Web站点,或者至少提供一个e -mail地址。
It's difficult to generalize because Web sites vary so much, but one approach is to perform the search directly on the site, then see if you can capture the resulting URL from the address bar.
At the same time, the map also renders a balloon above the marker that displays the name, address, phone number, and Web site of a given course.
You'll want to download and install the latest updates from the Borland Web site to address this.
您可以从BorlandWeb site下载并安装最新更新来解决这个问题。
In the add this Web site to the zone field, enter the Web address of the host name so that single sign-on (SSO) can be enabled to the list of Web sites shown in the Web sites field.
在AddthisWeb sitetothezone字段中,输入主机名的Web地址,这样就能在Web sites字段中的Web站点列表上启用单点登录(SSO)。
Although you can never fully eliminate the risks associated with putting a Web site or application online, you can be smart about it and address the weaknesses you may have.
Every location on the internet-every web site, every user-has associated with it a specific address, called an Internet Protocol (IP) address.
More specifically, I'm looking to import an address list in a Web site maintained with XM.
When using Internet banking, access the site by typing the address into your web browser.
It could allow a criminal to redirect Web traffic secretly, so that a person typing a bank's actual Web address would be sent to a fake site set up to steal the user's name and password.
In addition to handling traditional threats, a mashup application or web page must address such issues as cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF), among others.
A Web-site guest book, which translates a name and address to fields in a database, is simple.
While the Web Clipping editor was designed to address a large variety of Web site coding techniques, it cannot handle all cases.
This article elaborated uses the host nose and the TCP end slogan separately on a IP address implements establishes many WEB site the method.
The result is a collection of "best practices" that address specific common problems or design elements in web sites, and thus provide building blocks out of which a usable site could be created.
We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer our Web site.
We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer our Web site.