Howover, they are coupled for a general anisotropic elastic wedge in general.
You might look back 10 years from now and say it was the opening wedge in a transformation.
When you arrive home, you find small wedge in your relationship with your spouse and daughter.
The mechanical and physical properties can meet the requirements of the turbogenerator rotor slot wedge in harsh terms.
Truth is, it's irritating customers and may create a wedge in the relationship between a hotel brand and its most loyal guests.
Based on the analysis of the process of cross wedge rolling during wedge in, the geometry model of rolling area is established.
You look forward to coming home, When you arrive home, you find small wedge in your relationship with your spouse and daughter.
This paper introduces mainly a digital detecting system of looseness of stator wedge in a generator based on virtual instruments.
Wedge-shaped structure which is isolated from massive diamictite may be filled with the decay of an ice wedge in periglacial environment.
This is perhaps a trivial example, but analysis of the type I have just described can be the thin end of the wedge in penetrating a cryptosystem.
For improveing die design efficiency and quality like slot wedge in micro motor, reducing the labor input, it needs to develop the CAD of die for slot wedge.
The article briefed The category and feafures of magnetic slot wedge, as well as the principle and practical effect of magnetic slot wedge in the energy-saring of generator.
A small curve in the sliding part of the convex top of the lower nut acts as the wedge.
The tax “wedge” (the gap between what an employer pays and the employee receives) is as much as three times bigger in France than in Ireland.
In the theropods that were closely related to living birds, a particular wristbone was wedge-shaped, allowing them to bend their hands.
When I saw in the plunder a beautiful robe from Babylonia, two hundred shekels of silver and a wedge of gold weighing fifty shekels, I coveted them and took them.
The first true writing we know of is Sumerian cuneiform- consisting mainly of wedge-shaped impressions on clay tablets - whichwas used more than 5000 years ago in Mesopotamia.
Kingfishers wedge themselves into water with a streamlined beak that gradually increases in diameter from tip to head, letting water flow past.
When the concave upper nut is tightened, the effect produced is exactly the same as that produced by a hammer driving in a wedge.
In addition to making Belfast look like a war zone, at least on television, the dissidents drove a wedge between politicians and police.
The blues is believed to have originated in the Mississippi Delta, a wedge-shaped region in northern Mississippi between the Mississippi and Yazoo rivers.
The strains in euro-zone bond markets this year show that there are other ways for markets to drive a wedge between the strong and the weak.
Scientists first saw these somewhat wedge-shaped, transient clouds of tiny particles known as "spokes" in images from NASA's Voyager spacecraft.
Beckham raises his sand wedge above his head in frustration and then marches back to his bag on the golf buggy.
It also hopes that by stoking security fears in South Korea it can drive a wedge between it and its American ally.
When viewed from the front or the side the head bears a general resemblance to a well-blunted clean wedge, being smooth in outline.
Taking the front floor as an example, mainly introduced the hoisting wedge driver installed in active pressing material core and making use of reverse wedge driver to form the up flanging structure.
Taking the front floor as an example, mainly introduced the hoisting wedge driver installed in active pressing material core and making use of reverse wedge driver to form the up flanging structure.