婚姻犹如一把锁。 ?。
Two pairs of lovers coupled in wedlock in our company last week.
She thinks having children out of wedlock is notwrong, but unwise.
The proportion of black babies born out of wedlock has nearly doubled since 1970, to 69%.
Ever since I understood the concept of wedlock, I longed for a partner that I could trust.
the fourth is [to get rid of] an unwanted baby, for example an infant born out of wedlock.
Clergy members of many faiths have crossed the line with women and had children out of wedlock.
Women, too, whether on the street or in the holy bond of wedlock, were prone to sell their flesh.
In June, reports surfaced that he fathered a child out of wedlock with an unidentified British woman.
There is a strong correlation between the rate of birth and the number of babies born out of wedlock.
It went without saying that her aunt would immediately disown her if she fell pregnant out of wedlock.
Each year more than a million children experience family breakup: about as many are born out of wedlock.
My dear, dear boy, what I plan for you is to unite you with things themselves in a chaste, holy, and legal wedlock.
In most countries, rising divorce rates coincide with more births out of wedlock and a fall in marriage rates.
The girl was born out of wedlock on June 1, 1926, in a Los Angeles hospital. She was named Norma Jean Mortenson.
She was born out of wedlock in the village of Los Toldos in rural Argentina in 1919, the fourth of five children.
Three quarters of fathers who were 20 to 24 had children out of wedlock, compared to 36 percent for fathers aged 35 to 44.
In contrast, half of marriages in some Western countries end in divorce, and half of all children are born outside wedlock.
Witness the opprobrium heaped on Arnold Schwarzenegger over the new revelation that he had fathered a child out of wedlock.
If they have babies out of wedlock, it is usually because they have not yet got round to marrying the man they are living with.
In "the Descent of Man", he referred to studies showing that among children born out of wedlock there were more girls than boys.
There were already a couple of clinics in operation, and they seemed to be popular and successful in reducing out-of-wedlock births.
The end result, he hopes, will be a lower divorce rate, fewer out-of-wedlock births, and, ultimately, fewer people living in poverty.
Women under 25 are more likely to have had a baby than to be married while 44 per cent of British children are now born out of wedlock.
Well, four, but one was a secret because he was born out of wedlock and had been shipped off to Italy in infancy because … uh, never mind.
At one time, women, girls in particular, their freedom was tremendously restrained, so that they don't have a child out of wedlock, unmarried.
WedLock, as it's coyly named, is a new type of casualty insurance that gives the unhappily married policyholder a payout after he or she is unhitched.
WedLock, as it's coyly named, is a new type of casualty insurance that gives the unhappily married policyholder a payout after he or she is unhitched.