Anywhere between about week ten to week fifteen, the early ridges of one's fingerprints begin to form.
The week before the deal was supposed to close, fifteen Japanese banks made a move to pull out.
As I look back, I find it remarkable that my parents were willing to leave me, a fifteen-year-old, at home alone for a week.
The participants who were from Kunming University of Science and Technology with intermediate and lower-intermediate English level took part in the fifteen-week teaching experiment.
In the next week, I will gather information a selection of potential houses that reflect what I plan to buy immediately and what I plan to buy in fifteen years.
Then at a week or so later you've got about six shoots, and then, three weeks later you've got about fifteen shoots coming out all directions like this - all those little shoots up there?
Set yourself some small personal achievement that you can practice for fifteen minutes every day for a week.
It is due the second to last week of class and should be about twelve to fifteen pages (3600-4500 words).
期限是在课程结束前二至一周,长度是十二至十五页(3600- 4500字)。
At the end of her first week of fifteen minutes of daily work, Sandy is amazed.
" addressed to the fifteen-dollar-a-week clerks and office attaches, who, by long frequenting of the place, became aware of his position, to the "Why, old man, how are you?
" addressed to the fifteen-dollar-a-week clerks and office attaches, who, by long frequenting of the place, became aware of his position, to the "Why, old man, how are you?