Before we all turn our thermostats down or consider joining the Polar Bear Club, can brown fat actually cause weight loss?
Aisles of marketing genius belie the fact that, ultimately, weight loss is dictated by the laws of arithmetic.
If breakfast alone isn't a guarantee of weight loss, why is there a link between obesity and breakfast-skipping?
You may want to take a picture of yourself wearing a bathing suit and keep it in your weight loss journal.
A study by the University of Florida claims that putting mirrors in your dining room will help weight loss because they actually make junk food taste worse.
Yahoo's network knows many things about recent high-school graduate Cate Reid. One is that she is a 13- to 18-year-old female interested in weight loss.
雅虎的网络知道很多关于高中毕业生凯特·里德的事情。其中一件是她是一个对减肥感兴趣的13到18 岁的女性。
I'm always baffled when I walk into a pharmacy and see shelves bursting with various vitamins, extracts and other supplements, all promising to accelerate or promote weight loss.
Trying to live up to the images of "perfect" models and movie heroes has a dark side: anxiety and depression, as well as unhealthy strategies for weight loss or muscle gain.
To support her weight loss and get healthier, Emily made a big decision.
Two years later, Emily has reached her 30-pound weight loss goal and knows she can keep up her healthy habits for life.
The important clues for the diagnosis of LADA may include young onset of diabetes, ketotic history and weight loss.
To help achieve your winter weight loss goals, I recommend you check out a weight loss program which focuses on your menu plan and exercise to get you to your target weight.
Weight Gain: When one goes to sleep early, one produces specific chemicals that inhibit weight loss.
The disease's symptoms include diarrhoea, tiredness, anaemia, wind and in some cases weight loss.
How many more books, programs and breakthrough weight-loss discoveries do we need?
The results of these tests and exams may help determine eligibility for weight-loss surgery.
The frustrating reality is that even well-planned weight-loss efforts can become stalled.
According to Bates, African Mango is the most effective weight-loss product she's ever used.
Diarrhoea can interfere with the absorption of nutrients and this can lead to serious weight loss.
See the weight loss results for yourself before you decide if you want to pay for it.
I'll be surprised if it is shown to have any profound effect on weight loss.
But taking in enough food on the feasting days to avoid weight loss proved difficult.
The types of food most beneficial for weight loss purposes are fresh, whole, unprocessed foods.
I sell over 50 different weight loss products, from pills, to nutritional supplements, to popular weight loss books.
Just because your weight loss has stalled, don't revert back to your old bad habits. These tips can help you restart your weight-loss plan.
Just because your weight loss has stalled don't revert back to your old bad habits. These tips can help you restart your weight-loss plan.
It purports to improve energy, speed weight loss and boost general wellbeing.
"Findings from this study suggest that this incentivized structured weight loss program with free prepared meals can effectively promote weight loss compared with usual care group," the authors said.
"Findings from this study suggest that this incentivized structured weight loss program with free prepared meals can effectively promote weight loss compared with usual care group," the authors said.