Replenished materials should be filled into the weight box of tensioning device during belt tension until the belt is tightened.
After the basketball stand is well placed, the weight box which is filled with weights, such as concrete or stones, etc. can keep the basketball stand stable and upright.
The animal was heavier than Gerard had expected, shifting its weight mysteriously from one corner of the box to another as he carried it out into the snow and set it on the seat beside him.
It is a mobile phone-shaped box that has an iron weight inside, which we can move.
If you need to loose some weight (like I do) just pick the bento box, using this rule of thumb: 1 cubic milliliter equals 1 calorie.
Select a small box or bag which is light weight, portable and can hold all of your first aid supplies.
When strapping boxes together, please make sure that each box is strong enough to hold the total weight of the strapped bundle.
Wooden framed box is a large wooden box, the contents of maximum weight and maximum outside size is usually determined according to the conditions of carriage.
Which has more weight a box filled with lead, or a box of equal size filled with loose paper?
Black implies weight - people will think a black box weighs more than a white one.
Black implies weight — people will think a black box weighs more than a white one.
In this paper, minimum weight design of a hatch cover of box cross section is made by geometric programming. The analytic optimal solution is obtained.
Although it is said that the weight is not light, but in order to prevent the impact of bad weather on the advertising light box, or to build a cement square pier is good.
Some methods raised in this paper which is reduced the weight of gear, shaft, box and clutch for HURTH gearbox, are offered effectively ways for small-scale design of the gearbox.
The weight of the box is optimized using FEA method, based on the mechanical strength analysis of the old one, and the minimum wall thicknesses are obtained, and are used sounded in practice.
Compared with the fruits nonpacked or packed in plastic box with holes, the fruits packed in plastic box without holes had obviously lower weight loss percentage.
Piano model different weight is also different, generally speaking the piano in the 200 kg weight, in the process of handling according to the piano box packaging in accordance with its own situation.
It is a mobile phone-shaped box that has an iron weight inside, which we can move. And you can feel where it's heavy.
The big block on the roadside is camouflaged and turned to be the box that is light in weight and easily be perceived of what it is selling.
According to the clients' needs, the weight of each box containing the copper pipe must be reduced, and improve the intensity of each box.
When elastoplastic theory is used to analyses the brick wall with cracks bearing weight of water box on the roof of a building, a critical load formula is derived.
As the main stress component, box truck crane telescopic boom usually accounts for the weight machine for 13 ~ 20%, while the percentage of large cranes is greater.
箱形伸缩臂作为汽车起重机的主要受力构件,其重量一般占整机的13 ~ 20%,而大型起重机占的比例则更大。
If the total amount under $100 and the total weight under 200 grams (including box or pouch), and that you are not in a hurry to get it, you can choose International registration packet.
如果您的货款低于100刀,并且货重低于200克(包括包装重量),同时不急于得到它,您可以选择国际挂号小包。 下面的英文说明可以吗?
For its weight, including battery is also less than 1kg while I feel painful when use with a F5, so F5 always stay inside the dry box.
对于它的重量来说,在在用一F 5使用的时候我感到痛苦的时候,因此F5总是在干燥箱里面停留,包括电池是也不到1千克。
Anti - static type material box + stainless steel frame frame; (advantage: beautiful appearance, light weight, strong, durable), material box with safety induction device.
The concrete pier is required to be built in the following position, and the size of the square pier is determined by the weight and size of the advertising light box.
The lid of the box had been pressed in by the weight of the big dictionaries on top.
As the main load-bearing structure, wing box is one of the main optimization objects which has great potential of weight reduction.
As the main load-bearing structure, wing box is one of the main optimization objects which has great potential of weight reduction.