Therefore for smoke, in average weight control system studies to have important theoretical and actual meaning.
However, the precise details of the leptin system and its physiological significance in human weight control still remain to be fully understood.
The results show that the control system designed based on FPGA and VHDL has many advantages such as small size and weight, low power consumption and high reliability.
At the same time, on designing it, we have taken volume and weight constraints of the seeker servo control system into account.
The result shows that the fuzzy control with intelligent weight function has evident advantage on the system stability and system response time.
The paper presents the implementation of hardware and software of micro—based control system for Hi—temperature tunnel kiln, which takes weight—oil as the fuel.
May to June. Also the size and weight of leaves, onion bulb and root system increased markedly compared with the control.
Each subsystem is designed using adaptive control with neural network compensation. The stability of the system is guaranteed by the proposed parameter and weight turning law.
This paper presents a class adaptive pole assignment control of servo systems based on neural state estimation and develops the system structure and the weight learning algorithms.
This filtration system is light weight with negligible air flow resistance and is integrated into the nose mask which is connected to a pocket size control system via a connection cable.
该过滤系统重量较轻,气流阻 力可以忽略,且与通过连接线与小型控制系统相连的鼻罩融为一体。
The cable for connection is reduced largely in number and gross weight by adopting 1553B bus technology. The reliability and control precision of the system are improved.
该系统采用15 5 3B总线技术,系统的连接电缆数大大减少,总重量减轻,不仅提高了信号传递的可靠性,同时提高了系统控制精度。
The weight adjustment law is got based on Lyapunov theory to assure the stability of the control system.
This paper presents the priority weight method based on the order strategy, which is a new control method to optimal energy efficiency of ice storage air conditioning system.
Design idea and development method of a microcomputer control system for optimization WOB (weight on bit) automation bit feed of oil rig disc brake is discussed.
To eat and drink according to a regulated system, especially so as to lose weight or control a medical condition.
But in practice, they all have some defects such as complicated control system, big volume, heavy weight, hard to carry, etc.
The automatic control system for laser fine weight-adjusting machine is introduced in this article.
The two-direction all - electrical gun control system reduces its weight by 40% , its volume by 30%, while its efficiency raised by 35% as compared with current tank gun control system.
This article is mainly introduced Guixi Smelter Factory, Smelter workshop bridge cranes weight measurement and wireless remote control scheduling system.
The SPRINTFRAME external heel counter and TORSION SYSTEM are bonded together to allow for maximum weight reduction, energy return and motion control.
采用SPRINT FRAME技术的外跟部位与TORSION系统完美融合,为球员足部提供最大化的减轻重量、能量回馈及运动控制等功能表现。
The results of simulation denote that the system is less sensitive to high frequency noise and the control system's robust ability is improved by using the optimal weight…
The results of simulation denote that the system is less sensitive to high frequency noise and the control system's robust ability is improved by using the optimal weight…