If you want to lose weight or gain muscle, you need to train hard for weeks on end to see results.
The results showed that with increasing rearing density, the specific growth rate (SGR) and daily weight gain (DWG) of juvenile A.
The results showed that there were significant decreases in length increment, special growth rate and daily weight gain of the juveniles with the increase in stocking density increase.
Results were analysed based on the two biological indexes of weight gain, feed conversion ratio and feed efficiency.
The results shown that:(1) daily weight gain(DG), daily feed intake and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were positively correlated to body weight, but SGR and daily feeding rate negatively;
The results showed that the marketing weight, body weight gain, dressing percentage and meat percentage of crossbreds of China Red Steppe and Limousin improved significantly;
RESULTS: Incorporating BJ in drinking water protected young KKA (y) mice from hyperphagia and significantly reduced their weight gain.
结果:在饮用水中加入BJ的年轻KKA (y)小鼠膳食摄入量和体重增加都受到抑制。
When Wardle's team pooled the results of all the studies, they found a modest association between higher stress levels and greater weight gain.
The results showed that there were significantly higher weight gain, specific growth rate (SGR), feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratio (PER) in the fish fed the test diets containing 50.
The results showed there is a enhance in gain weight and cold-resistant and heat-resistant and swim duration in experimental mice.
Those results indicate that estradiol valerate can control the body weight gain and fat deposition and improve the levels of blood GLU and TG of female Bama Xiang-pigs effectively.
The results showed that: coagulation mainly remove organic matters with molecular weight higher than 6000, the removal effect can gain 40%;
Based on the relative weight gain rate, results indicated that the optimum protein content in formulated Diets for Chinemys reevesii juveniles was 35.
Based on the relative weight gain rate, results indicated that the optimum protein content in formulated Diets for Chinemys reevesii juveniles was 35.