The index works by taking a weighted average of the price of imported iron and domestically produced iron ore to produce a composite number.
So the Dow Jones number you hear in the news each night is simply this weighted average of stock prices. Because of this, the Dow Jones Industrial average should just be considered a price in itself.
That’s because the Dow Jones Industrial Average is price weighted, unlike the S&P 500, which is market cap weighted.
The Dow is a relic of a market indicator; an average, not an index, weighted by price, not by market value.
A measure of the price at which the majority of a given day's trading in a given security took place. Calculated by taking the weighted average of the prices of each trade.
The price is a 17 per cent premium to Rothmans' 20-day volume-weighted average trading price on the Toronto Stock Exchange.
The price is a 17 per cent premium to Rothmans' 20-day volume-weighted average trading price on the Toronto Stock Exchange.