On Saturday night, there was a welcome dinner for all drivers as well as prize drawing.
Registration fee covers all conference sessions, lunches, coffee breaks, welcome dinner and printed materials.
During a welcome dinner we mentioned a KaosPilot graduate who had been adopted as a child from Korea and all her life she had been educated and raised in Denmark.
We sincerely welcome everyone to come tonight, "Yun Oriental · light city light" Shenzhen International Jewellery Fair welcome dinner party! I wish you a happy wonderful night!
The parents - Child competition prize giving and players welcome dinner will be stage at the Shenzhen Crowne Plaza Hotel. All the competitors and parents must be wearing formal dress.
But users may not welcome a spambot suddenly weighing in on their dinner plans.
Welcome to English in a minute. We all need air to breathe. Hey, Jonathan, guess who is coming to dinner tonight.
Evening events for each day of the show include a welcome reception and dinner, an exhibitor reception, and an offsite reception at nearby Minute Maid Park, home to the Houston Astros.
In the afternoon, my parents particularly busy, busy making dumplings, ready to dinner, of course, I also not idle, cleaned the room of my own all, drag to clean, welcome the New Year.
I take great pleasure to welcome you and thank you for attending tonight's dinner in honor for all those who have taken part in the BB Project.
The people in Changpojiao village gathers to eat an abundant dinner to welcome their guests. And such dinner is carried out in some important festivals every year.
Welcome to English in a minute. We eat our dinner on dining tables. We put our coffee on coffee tables.
At this annual dinner, I would like to welcome, first and foremost, our foreign guests who comes all the way here.
Ladies and Gentlemen, alumni and friends, welcome to the 62nd Anniversary Thanksgiving Dinner of Trinity Theological College.
(on WHCD) "Welcome to the White House Correspondents' dinner, the night when Washington celebrates itself."
For those of you Breadstix patrons who don't know who I am, I'm Kurt Hummel, and welcome to my first ever Lonely Hearts Club dinner.
餐厅里可能有人不认识我,说下我是Kurt Hummel,欢迎大家来参与我的第一个寂寞芳心俱乐部晚餐。
Said the students, "we welcome these kinds of activities, which allow us to learn English and also learn about western culture while eating dinner and playing games."
First of all, on behalf of the University Council, I would like to welcome you to today's gala dinner in celebration of the 35th anniversary of our University!
首先,我仅代表澳门大学校董会对各位出席我校三十五周年校庆晚宴,表示热烈的欢迎! !
Guests at the Shaw Court apartments are welcome to use the facilities of the Harcourt Hotel for breakfast, lunch and Dinner.
Guests at the Shaw Court apartments are welcome to use the facilities of the Harcourt Hotel for breakfast, lunch and Dinner.