Various members of the MIT OCW staff will attend these events and would welcome meeting users of the materials available on the MIT OCW Web site.
It is a great honor to welcome you to the first meeting of the Strategic Economic Dialogue between the United States and China.
With my writing, for example, I always have to take a deep breath before reading an edit letter or meeting with an editor, to remind myself, "I welcome criticism."
Let me extend my very warm welcome to all of you as we begin this sixth global meeting of heads of WHO country offices.
After you have entered a meeting, you are first presented with a new Welcome page (see figure 8), instead of the page showing the Share my Screen options that, in most cases, did not apply to you.
进入会议之后,首先展示给您的是新welcome页面(参见图8),而不是一个显示在多数情况下不适合您的Sharemy Screen选项的页面。
I believe we all welcome the news that the UN General Assembly will be addressing noncommunicable diseases in a high-level meeting in September of next year.
Now, the Welcome page shows the critical user information, such as who the meeting moderator is, what the meeting is about, and the meeting start time.
We welcome good business. Anyhow, we know you must get tired by the flight, so we arrange a meeting tomorrow. Today you can have a good rest.
Councillor Paul Tisley will be in attendance at the start of the meeting to welcome us.
All the questions ask for basic information about a clear, direct topic in every day life, such as asking direction, meeting people, introduction, congratulation, welcome and farewell.
Glen: Oh, you're welcome. Everybody at Capital enjoyed meeting you and your friends. Listen, are you free this evening?
Welcome all of you to come back to Kunshan headquarter from different frontline areas to attend the sales annual meeting and Spring Festival gala.
Although membership in AACS is required for participation in the Annual Meeting, non-members are welcome to submit proposals, join the Association and participate in the Annual Meeting.
To salute or welcome in a friendly and respectful way with speech or writing, as upon meeting or in opening a letter.
To salute or welcome in a friendly and respectful way with speech or writing, as upon meeting or in opening a letter.
Glen: Oh, you're welcome. at Capital enjoyed meeting you and your. Listen, are you free this evening?
A very successful businessman had a meeting with his new son-in-law. "I love my daughter, and now I welcome you into the family," remarked the guy.
Our company's specialty is to design and customize all kinds of special shape ceramic parts for meeting customer's special requirements. welcome to send us the drawings and samples.
Kouchner said Miliband's initiative had been welcome because it relaxed the atmosphere at an EU meeting that was at times tense due to differences over dealing with Russia.
I'm pleased to welcome you to Beijing, China for the first meeting of the U. S. -china Business Dialogue.
I want to welcome you all here for the annual meeting of the Asian Scientists Conference.
I'm going out to a meeting. You're welcome to use my office if you like.
I'm going out to a meeting. You're welcome to use my office if you like.