He ran over for welcoming the visitors.
Red lanterns were hung on the trees along the roads in Weihai Park as if they were welcoming the visitors.
The wood finish on the inside of the hall, combined with the structural wooden beams of the platform roof creates a warm and welcoming ambience, inviting visitors to linger.
In fact, this is a country that is crying out for visitors, and is deserving of them. The locals are unbelievably welcoming to travelers.
For the visitors and patients, the reception is pulled a little bit to the back as a consideration of over-welcoming.
The booth is a welcoming interface for visitors while it provides a secure design for high-volume ticket sales.
Mykonos, the most famous of the islands in Greece and one of the world's most popular holiday resorts has been welcoming visitors for over half a century.
The landscape was designed to create a pleasant, functional environment that would allow visitors to enjoy California's welcoming climate.
Foreign visitors were extremely rare, and the county chief had invited me to a welcoming banquet that evening — a high honor.
外国旅游者在那里极为罕见。 当时,县长邀请我参加欢迎晚宴——这是高规格的礼遇。
Foreign visitors were extremely rare, and the county chief had invited me to a welcoming banquet that evening — a high honor.
外国旅游者在那里极为罕见。 当时,县长邀请我参加欢迎晚宴——这是高规格的礼遇。