In general, pull factors add up to an apparently better chance for a good life and material well-being than is offered by the place of origin.
"Being funny isn't necessarily an indicator of good social skills and well-being," his research has shown, "it may just exactly be a sign of personality flaws."
It gave him security and a sense of well being, hope and dreams of a future filled with good food and a life different from this meager existence.
Miller said she is making good, but small, progress after being treated by hand specialists and plastic surgeons, as well as specialists in ophthalmology, orthopedics and trauma.
"I was very impressed by his writing; he writes very well and writes interesting stuff, even with English being his second language, " said Dustin, a full-time comedian and now a good friend.
现在达斯汀已经变成黄西的好朋友。 作为专职喜剧演员,他评价说:“黄西写的脚本让我颇受感动,即便英语是他的第二语言,他写的内容依然很有趣,很精彩。”
She says, "I still remember one of the partners taking me aside and saying, 'You know, being a summer associate is all well and good, but take a deep breath."
International observer groups praised the poll for being peaceful and well organised; the national election commission did a good job.
First, being well-groomed makes a good impression on others you don’t know well, and helps them to react more positively to you.
So as well as being good for the country, the debate, if and perhaps when it happens, might even be moderately good for Mr Brown.
Ensuring the rights of people living with HIV is good public health practice, by improving the health and well-being of those affected and by making prevention efforts more effective.
The company has won awards for treating employees very well and being a good place to work, according to some industry surveys.
They firmly believe that once their mental and physical well-being are in equilibrium, then good health, work efficiency and prosperity will come their way naturally.
The main thing I'm pointing out here is that Paul is being very careful to nuance a straightforwardly negative depiction of Jewish law and say that, well it's still good in a sense.
If, as many people believe, the speculative froth is being taken out of the market, then all well and good. The only losers should be a few hedge funds.
Really, being well rested, well fed, and in good physical shape is the foundation for being able to concentrate well.
According to the OECD, being a regular and enthusiastic reader is more of an advantage than having well-educated parents in good jobs.
Dr Bauer said: "Moving on and being able to maintain good emotional well-being depends greatly on an individual's opportunity to correct the cause of their regrets."
Linux ends up being very good at a lot of different things, and rather well-rounded in general.
Like the knights of old, Pigs are often highly regarded for their chivalry and pureness of heart, and will often sacrifice their own well-being for the greater good.
So having lot of players in the market is good, that means we all helped to educate the customers, and we there are place for many players being in this market as well.
Simply put, BioMend makes a body feel good, enhancing your energy while giving you a sense of calm and well-being.
Smiling can instantly put you in a good mood and positively impact your mental well-being, which in turn controls your physical well-being.
That is why we have invested time and money into battery power solutions, being very well aware of the fact, that many battery powered amplifiers do not necessarily sound good.
Like eating well and being physically active, getting a good night's sleep is vital to your well-being. Here are 13 tips to help you.
As well as being a good source of protein and calcium, yogurt contains vitamin B-12, which helps to prevent fatigue and speed up post-workout recovery times.
作为蛋白质和钙的好的来源,酸奶包含维他命b - 12,有助于防止疲劳,减少锻炼后的恢复次数。
Terry is a great centre half and a good captain, and behind that combative facade there might just be a decent human being as well.
Terry is a great centre half and a good captain, and behind that combative facade there might just be a decent human being as well.