The Israelites certainly hoped to secure the perpetual aid and blessing and protection of a well-disposed deity.
He works wonderfully in a group of friendly, well-disposed, calm people - he leaves the group of highly conflict people.
Even investors well-disposed to Mr Murdoch call him a "deal junkie" and speak of a "Murdoch discount" to the share price.
"I hope she will prove a well-disposed girl, " continued Mrs. Norris, "and be sensible of her uncommon good fortune in having such friends. "
We felt duly ashamed, and also not well-disposed towards that other pupil, but this did not help to dispel the darkness which clung to that black volume.
Mastering excellent trading habits is not tranquil, but those who are well-disposed and longing to get sport will find out it extraordinarily rewarding.
On the basis of magnetic-electric geophone's characters, we design a new magnetic annulus style geophone, which can get a well-disposed wider magnetic field to make a great effect.
Now, texts from Ancient Near Eastern cultures suggest that a central function of the rituals that were performed in sanctuaries was to secure the perpetual aid and blessing of a well-disposed deity.
The servant, who was well disposed to the huntsmen, went to them, and disclosed the project.
Therefore, one who becomes prince with the support of the common people must keep them well disposed.
But the person who looks after the child at home does not necessarily have to be the mother: the father or another person who is well disposed towards it may do an equally good job.
Over the past decade it has become clear that bacteria are already well disposed to the idea of interchangeable parts.
George Bush entered the White House well disposed to Mexico.
The wrinkles on his brow were well placed, and would have disposed in his favor any one who observed him attentively.
Well, now there? S a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology.
Well, now there's a system where the waste is disposed of using the principle of ecology.
But the nuclear rubbish produced by the nuclear reactor, which is to do harm to the people and environments and also waste the remain disintegration energy, is hoped to be well disposed.
If Pollutants (such as exhaust gas, wastewater and residue) from electroplating industry aren't disposed well, the environment will be affected and people's health will also be endangered.
Residual sludge from the small scale wastewater treatment plant is always a problem remained in biological wastewater treatment, it may cause secondary pollution if not disposed well.
The first epitaxial layer is disposed over the substrate and doped to have the first conductivity type as well.
Wanted Immediately. -At the Gazctte Office, a well disposed boy, able to do heavy rolling.
When the owning component is disposed, the container is disposed as well.
She seemed well disposed towards us.
Well, now there's a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology.
Coded lock components (30) are disposed on an outer lock hole (202) of the safety lock of an outer door plate as well as on an outer lock hole (152) of the remote control lock.
Coded lock components (30) are disposed on an outer lock hole (202) of the safety lock of an outer door plate as well as on an outer lock hole (152) of the remote control lock.