The Greeks were well-done for their literature and science, but their "books" looked very different from the books of today.
The Angus beef, features an enormous amount of beef (at least 450 grams), cooked to about 60-70% well-done.
These short clips looked really well-done, and were labeled as 'sample muvees' so as not to be confused with my content.
His heart was full of joy when the teacher said, "Well done, Tom!"
"That's what it's all about! Neighbors are helping neighbors. Job well done!" one user wrote.
My mom will say "well done" or "thank you" if I help to do the housework.
When children finish a chore, they will not only take pride in a job well done but also have confidence in their ability to do things well.
All of the above must be well done because each of them will be counted into the final assessments.
But if you don't actually do anything with it, — it simply disappears, and, therefore, it's — well done, classmate Number Two.
Well, they may be well done, but you mean good in what sense? Good for him or beneficial to him?
Commenting on the research, Professor Thomas Becker of the Brain and Mind research Institute at the University of Sydney says the research is' quite interesting and very well done '.
Prof: Good. A sentence that's what I was thinking but a premise is even better. Well done.
Somebody said yes and even if they won't admit to it I would give them a clap. Well done.
When the master returned, he praised each of the first two servants: "Well done, you upright ... and faithful servant!
Cooked well done unless otherwise specified.
When your boss congratulates you on a job well done, don't mention that you had a lot of help.
It is also a good practice to keep a folder of references and commendations for a job well done that you augment throughout your career.
Edmond, being consulted, was of opinion that the island afforded every possible security, and that great enterprises to be well done should be done quickly.
They may have well done the work internally, and when we say internally we mean all the bodies -the spiritual self, the integrated self that we have spoken with you about before.
"Clearly it needs to be replicated, as does any study that breaks new ground, but the study itself is very well done and very credible," he said.
Prof: Good, well done. Or Wednesday Thursday or Friday.
Of course, the acknowledgement of jobs well done is an important one for both agencies and clients alike.
Build self-esteem. This doesn't mean unmerited praise, but it does mean expressing support for a job well done.
Build self-esteem. This doesn't mean unmerited praise, but it does mean expressing support for a job well done.