He couldn’t read what was written on it and was worried that it might say any of a thousand different things, from “Treat this man well” to “Take his money and do whatever you want with him.”
Well now, I'm no scholar, and you're a lad as can read and figure, and to put it straight, do you take it as a dead man is dead for good, or do he come alive again?
哎,我学问不深,你是个能读会算的小家伙,直截了当地告诉我:一个人就这样完了吗? 人是否还能转世?
The cultured man or the ideal educated man is not necessarily one who is well-read or learned, but one who likes and dislikes the right things.
The cultured man or the ideal educated man is not necessarily one who is well-read or learned, but one who likes and dislikes the right things.