The government's responsibility was to provide a well-regulated economy that guaranteed opportunity for citizens of ability.
Social virtues not to be disregarded in any well-regulated community.
Its well-regulated Banks had avoided dodgy subprime ventures, he insisted.
It was characteristic of an industrious household to be well-regulated and well - organized.
Conclusion: The equipments management is desultory, it became well-regulated after using those methods.
The press always found Sampras difficult to render precisely because he was so moderate and well-regulated.
Many researchers now think, by contrast, that cancers actually resemble normal, well-regulated organs in several important ways.
CANADA has had an easier time than most during the recent global recession, in part because of a conservative and well-regulated banking system.
A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
When solid volume fraction ranged from 0.01 to 0.05, granular temperature was in the transition region from dispersed values to well-regulated ones.
The western economists concluded that emerging economies should adopt flexible exchange rates and modern, well-regulated and competitive financial markets.
That child Labour has no place in well-functioning and well-regulated markets is evident. But the reality is that today, child Labour remains widespread in supply chains.
Some people argue that a well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state (2), the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
The product is specifically designed to provide well-regulated supply for low voltage IC applications such as high-speed bus termination and low current 3.3v logic supply.
Executives thus must learn to protect themselves from the excessive burdens of decision-making, if they are not already protected by a well-regulated and habitual distribution of responsibilities.
In theory, a higher standard of corporate-governance should result in a higher valuation, since listing in a well-regulated market shows a commitment from a company that it will not abuse investors.
Thanks to international campaigns against money laundering and illegal tax evasion, today's successful tax havens thrive not because of crookery, but because they are well run and well regulated.
There is clearly a growing demand in this country for a well regulated, legal right for people with terminal illness, who are mentally competent, to end their life if they choose to.
"It's a work in progress, but we believe that the expression of genes in the brain and how they are regulated is at least an indicator of how well someone is aging," Yankner says.
And unlike Lehman, the Fed does not know the firm well (it's regulated by the state of New York).
What it looked like at the time was, the Fed had regulated its institutions well, and its validation was a good imprimatur.
Despite such humane actions, Thomas is not averse to hunting, but she believes that the practice needs to be well regulated, and that hunters need to be disciplined and expert.
The worst luck turned out well for the Knicks, who watched Anthony earn two fouls in the opening 88 seconds that regulated him to the bench the rest of the first quarter.
Big and getting even bigger, well run and well regulated: the emerging-market Banks seem to have a lot going for them.
"The technical side of this was well regulated, the sampling was O.K., and there was no evidence of cheating," he said.
Offshore financial centres compete by being well run and regulated-with tougher standards (for example on knowing your customer) than some supposedly respectable countries.
The power supply is well regulated to minimize ripples as well to deliver a steady predictable current, under varying loads such as those found in plating tanks.
You can use it, it will work well, but probably will not sound better than a good regulated supply.
You can use it, it will work well, but probably will not sound better than a good regulated supply.