What a distortion of resilience! A resilient child is a well-rested one.
Subject appears well-rested and enthusiastic. Apparently, ignorance is bliss.
When you're not well-rested, your body and your mind do not operate at peak capacity.
Hence, a well-rested brain will ensure proper mental function and an improved memory.
That doesn't bode well for their next contest against the well-rested Houston Rockets.
However, most people — even actors and sports stars — need to be well-rested to perform well.
Sleep is for the strong. Waking up well-rested allows you to tackle your day with ease and enthusiasm.
A recent study found that female teens who skimped on sleep had a different diet than their well-rested counterparts.
Indonesians and Indians are the most well-rested, with 85 and 77 per cent respectively reporting they get enough sleep.
Indonesians % and Indians are the most well-rested, with 85 and 77 per cent respectively reporting they get enough sleep.
The Cavaliers haven't played since Wednesday, a hiccup in the schedule that means they'll be well-rested in addition to being at home.
Christmas Eve Mass was held at 10 p.m last year, so the Pope, who was 82 years old at the time, would be well-rested for Christmas Day services.
A well-rested person can not only remember more things later on, but they're also better able to focus their attention optimally in the moment.
J: Scientists say rest is one of the most important things a human brain needs. Did you know you will have more creative ideas if you are well-rested?
科学家说,大脑需要休息,休息好了,就能有更多的创意,creative ideas。
A side effect was that on average, I slept about 90 minutes less per night, but I actually felt more well-rested. I was sleeping almost the entire time I was in bed.
You want to experience more of your life as a well-rested individual who has an idea of when it’s time to sleep and when it’s time to celebrate (or, in most of our cases, work).
The students who were excessively sleepy during the day were three times more likely to have strong depression symptoms than their well-rested peers, Dr. Siddique and his colleagues found.
In well-rested flies, levels of BRP and four other synaptic proteins drop back to low levels, providing evidence that sleep resets the brain to allow more growth and learning the next day.
So even though subjects lost about as much weight when they were sleep deprived as when they were well-rested, only about a quarter of the weight lost during the short sleep period was from fat.
If you've been both sleep-deprived and well-rested, it probably isn't a big surprise that consistent, good sleep beefs up your physiological (and surely, emotional) ability to cope with stress.
He looked tanned and well rested after his holiday.
This was especially true of women, who consumed an average of 329 more calories when sleep deprived than when well rested.
For some 5 hours is plenty, but others need 8 or even 9 hours to feel well rested.
Really, being well rested, well fed, and in good physical shape is the foundation for being able to concentrate well.
People often think that alcohol helps sleep, but it actually robs you of deep sleep, which is essential for feeling well rested.
There is no question that the human brain functions best when well rested, but new research finds we can strengthen our memories during sleep.
With comfortable transport, you can stretch out, lie back and even get some sleep during the trip so that you can arrive well rested and ready for your work.
It's important for them to get a bit of relaxation and exercise when travelling so that they can be well rested and become fitter to accomplish their business tasks well.
It's important for them to get a bit of relaxation and exercise when travelling so that they can be well rested and become fitter to accomplish their business tasks well.