Setting up these systems also requires some downtime or restarting of the servers, so you will want to plant for it well in advance.
I sleep well using Informix, because it just runs with no need for even planned downtime.
But I felt like I had much more downtime, and the vacation seemed longer to me as well.
If your process if well-defined and your team in sync, then downtime can often be kept to a minimum. Downtime could occur for a couple of reasons.
Yeah, but I figure this is the most downtime we're likely to get for awhile, so we might as well talk about some things.
The benefits can be very real: more efficient use of staff time and skills, as well as the prevention of revenue loss resulting from downtime.
Production continued to benefit from better-than-expected well deliverability and minimal downtime.
Our customers understand that our well-proven TMR technology helps protect their people and their assets, while avoiding false safety trips and the associated costly process downtime.
Our customers understand that our well-proven TMR technology helps protect their people and their assets, while avoiding false safety trips and the associated costly process downtime.