Your remarks are not well grounded.
These concepts are all well grounded in existentialist thought.
Both the brothers are well grounded in mathematics and there's certain symmetry in their careers.
The lawyer's arguments are well grounded because he has collected enough proof concerning the case.
This is an expansive, upward moving force that makes us feel energetic and emotional, but not well grounded.
Given that Carl Sagan44 helped to write the screenplay, it's no surprise that it is well grounded in real ideas.
Eg. It is commonly believed that women are born as housewives, but I wonder whether this argument is well grounded.
I don't know how well this young lawyer performs in court, but at least he's well grounded in the principles of such cases.
Welch says that he started to build self-confidence at an early age and often gives credit to his mother for being so well grounded.
The another is that ITO film must be well grounded, or else the surface charge and discharge phenomena of OSR would be much more serious.
These are well grounded in the scholarly literature and, throughout much of the book, in the notes of conversations in which he himself took part.
Thankfully, the plan to lift you up has been successful, and today you have brought the Light to your Earth to the extent that it is well grounded.
Because use cases reflect specific outcomes and are delivered early, a global test team has more time to develop a well grounded understanding of the user goals.
Business English can construct well grounded relationship and communications in an international trade, which can be the major issue when firms want to cooperate with each other.
Although doubts about Tehran's willingness to reassess its policies are well grounded, carefully crafted sanctions can in fact significantly slow Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons.
This paper presents a panorama of Ruan s family background, life career and major literary activities on which research into his literary creations and theories will be well grounded.
The pursuit of a genuine variety of opinions that are well thought through and well grounded is essential. But that has an off-and-on, hit-or-miss connection with ethnic and racial diversity.
SIFT commands a teaching faculty well grounded in the specialized theories of international business, closely associated with business circles at home and abroad, and richly experienced in teaching.
I have consulted an attorney who will file criminal charges as well as a civil lawsuit grounded in assault and battery.
We know the promise is there—this is a well-grounded, talented, warm-hearted group of youngsters.
I have consulted an attorney who will file criminal charges as well as a civil lawsuit grounded in assault and battery, not to mention a request for the police to arrest you.
Some think that recent, well-grounded data suggesting the Earth’s average temperature is rising are explained by natural variations in solar radiation, and that this trend may be coming to an end.
However, based on the line up of experts leading conversations, there are sure to be well-grounded insights into where social business is now and where it will be in the future.
Well, she probably got grounded for a month, but at least it was for a good cause.
There’s been an absence of well-grounded, family comedy on television.
"There's a lot of other people as well here who have done the same thing that I have done," he said. "We're pretty earth-like, grounded people."
"There's a lot of other people as well here who have done the same thing that I have done," he said. "We're pretty earth-like, grounded people."