Well, let that man go, and make haste, to say to his mother: 'Here I am, mother!
Well I have to go now, Candy’s old boss is here and they seem to be having some sort of argument so I better attend to that. Can’t wait to see you when I get back!
Well, maybe I should actually put this here, y=x y=x OK, and so I will go, for each value of x x I will go from y equals xo to y equals square root of x.
I think I have a good understanding of fundamentals in the areas your company deals with, and I can go on from here to build up the specific skills and knowledge I need to do my job well.
Now I'm here, whenever I go out and put on the United shirt, I want to do well.
I take the knife, I go in, I cut off the ring hand of famine, and I meet you back here in the parking lot. Well, that sounds foolproof.
"Well you see Sir, I'm a married man," said the Cabby. "if my wife was here neither of us would ever want to go back to London, I reckon."
Hello, everybody! I am interested in both elocnte and acting. So happy to meet you everyone here. Hope we can go along with each other very well.
Well, I've got to go now… and here I wish all of you a prosperous Chinese New Year filled with lots of Happiness, Health and Wealth!
Well I wrote here, I feel much better, and I will never go to Hainan in the shadows to come out into loving friends.
I go to school at 7'o clock. Our school life is so fine. We have a lot of friends here. I get along well with my classmates.
You, too. Well, I am just new here, not knowing where to go the Chinese restaurant here.
Well, it's because I think both Chinese & Sg friends are going to read this blog, so for the benefit of all, here you go!
And here have I and the old lady been saying, 'Why, it may well be they'll let her go free at once.
Hello guys well I present new weapon glow, I leave some shots but the colors variation changes, so well here we go.
Hello guys well I present new weapon glow, I leave some shots but the colors variation changes, so well here we go.