Well it depends, that's why it's called a situational death.
As for which feels more like the experience of using MUD at the beginning, HMM, well it depends on how far "at the beginning" you want to go.
And the answer, presumably, is going to be, well it depends on getting clear on whether the stages are glued together in the right metaphysical way.
Now, as to what kinds of knowledge claims are foundational, well, that's where this gets particularly interesting, in fact it sort of depends on which philosopher you ask.
The best signal depends not only on its brightness but also on how well it contrasts with the background against which it must be seen.
"What does your market research consist of?"—"Well, the thing is, it depends on our target age group."
Well it does depend on how many moles of material Because it depends on how many atoms.
Well, with performance the answer is usually “It depends” and this one is no different (did you actually expect something else? J).
It depends on how well we are doing.
Oh, how do I know if it points in that direction on the opposite one? Well, that depends.
This depends on the system, and a well-designed system will explicitly identify the faults from which it can recover.
Well, if your business logic involves responding to events, and the response depends on the current state of the process, then it may be useful to implement the logic as a business state machine.
Well, wind, most of the time, is kind of horizontal, but maybe it depends on the altitude.
It depends on our ability to adopt a healthy and balanced lifestyle, based on well established knowledge on health.
Linda: Well, I think it depends on what category you're dealing with.
Not true, respond those enamored of pizza's charms. It all depends on the ingredients and how well they are prepared.
Well, whether the techniques explored here are useful to you or not comes down to the old computer science adage: it depends.
Handling both large-scale upgrades to computing capacity as well as large-scale outages seamlessly, without having to completely shut down your service and everything it depends on.
After all, the success of the current project, as well as the next, depends on having sufficient IT resources.
Well, it depends on what he — on how you interpret that sentence because the sentence is beautifully ambiguous.
It is very important to stay positive no matter what situation you are facing, because your well-being depends on it.
Well, it depends whether you are just trying to find one potential or if you are trying to find all the possible potentials.
Well, it depends what you do. So, OK, actually here's an important thing that I didn't quite say.
It just depends on how well the external parts of your life are able to align with who you are.
Well, it depends what fruit you're eating.
Well, it all depends on your personal circumstances.
Well, it depends on what you know about the measurements' probability density function (PDF).
它依赖于您对度量值的概率密度函数(probability density function, PDF)的认识。
We can see beauty well enough just by opening our eyes, but how long this beauty survives in memory depends on how intentionally we have apprehended it.
Well, it depends what you're up for? Do you feel like something light and healthy?
What it actually does return depends on the result of the XPath expression, as well as the type you ask for. Generally speaking, an XPath!