Well Log Datum Velocity Correction.
The gamma ray index is usually computed from a well log such as a gamma ray log.
This phenomenon may resulted from the filtering of well log by the well and wall rocks.
Any wireline well log made by a sonde which is held against the wellbore well with a skid or pad.
The statistical indicators of well log can be used to predict the distribution of reservoir parameters.
Reservoir modeling constrained by seismic data is a method that combines well log data with seismic data.
With these data, an anisotropy factor can be calculated, and the horizontal well log curves can be corrected.
The mechanical or electrical displacement of a curve on a well log by a logging engineer during a wireline survey.
XMAC full wave well log data are of universal application in petroleum exploration and oilfield engineering project.
A well log runs in a cased hole to evaluate the cement job behind the casing. The cement-bond log is the most common.
At present the most economical and convenient method to predict the reservoir characterization is using well log data.
One of the most important problems in the well log vectorization is how to remove the background and noises in the image.
The difference of physical parameters in oil-gas-water are premise that geophysical well log can be used for fluid typing.
The seismic balance is a new technique that can be used to improve the relationship between seismic trace and well log data.
The general principles and methodology of genetic stratigraphic sequence analysis using well log data are discussed in this paper.
The models constrained by many kinds of static data are representative as the models constrained by seismic data and well log data.
It's very difficult to explain and evaluate information owing to the isotopic pollution which leads to untruth well log information.
Study shows that using well log data for appraisal of petrophysical facies is one of an important tool to evaluate reservoir quality.
The well log time series is the correct reflection of geological characteristics of the oil bearing layers with quite a high probability.
Reservoir geochemical exploration in well log can predict petroleum gas and appraise reservoir, because of its quick, accuracy and direct advantage.
According to the theory of discrete inversion, an accurate method of seismic wavelet extraction was proposed by using well log data and seismic data.
The well log response model of the datum cycle is developed through core calibration and well logging, classifying the middle-term cycle of datum level.
The research for reservoir's geophysical response feature has been a important basic task of well log interpretation under surpressure and high temperature.
The permanent print of a well log made on high-quality paper with appropriate heading information and calibration. Final print is in contrast to field print.
Compared with deconvolution method, the well log curves transformed by wavelet analysis contain more detailed information and reach higher vertical resolution.
Using well log data to analyze earth stress is not only to quickly get the stress profile spreading along the depth, but also to save high cost for measurement.
And at the development stage, well log-seismic joint inversion is necessary for detailed reservoir description and identification of thinner layers of interest.
The influence of geological factors should always be taken into account in establishing well log interpretation model, log data processing and reservoir evaluation.
This paper reviews the log responses of various types of bioherms using core and well log data, and proposes the features of logs suitable for these biohermal reservoirs.
This paper reviews the log responses of various types of bioherms using core and well log data, and proposes the features of logs suitable for these biohermal reservoirs.