You're well out of it, "Christopher said with unconscious brutality."
There has been a lot of trouble in Iran since you returned from there - you're well out of it.
Soon after I left my job the company got into serious difficulties, and I decided I was well out of it .
European power companies which helped set up the continent's carbon-trading system did extremely well out of it.
Negative images remain of who is living in poverty as well as what is needed to move out of it.
It worked out well, by making my first move, but there was a lot of groundwork to be put down beforehand that helped me make that move a little bit easier.
"They're all linked together like an orchestra, " so when one cycle is out of whack, it tends to sideswipe the others as well.
The plan was going well, but we had to scrub it at the last minute because we ran out of ideas.
Most probably so did Balaur as well, and this is the main challenge coming out of its discovery - understanding how it actually lived.
Treasury bills in the United States are limited to one year out; well, that's the name of it.
Carbon dioxide increases the acidity of its environment, which could help it eat its way out of apparently secure barriers well before the gas becomes neutralized over 10, 000 years.
Wanna get out of the hospital alive? Well, the nursing staff has a lot to do with it.
If the frog wants to see the outside world, it must jump out of the well to broaden its range of vision.
You spend most of your life waiting for something anyway, so you may as well get it out of the way while your bored.
Because media failure is the most complex of all the types of failure, you must have a well thought-out strategy to plan for it.
"They're all linked together like an orchestra," so when one cycle is out of whack, it tends to sideswipe the others as well.
If a UAV loses the data connection to its operator-by flying out of range, for example-it may well crash.
Description: You see that lockscreen each and every time you pull your phone out of your pocket –might as well put it to use, right?
说明: 反正你每次从口袋里拿出手机,都会看到千篇一律的屏幕锁画面——不妨试试它,不是吗?
For example, powering a lunar rover while it is out of range of sunlight would work well.
COO Tim Cook and the rest of Apple's executive team have persuaded Wall Street that they can run the company - and run it well - even when Jobs is out of commission.
Having a well-thought-out data model, for example, makes it easier to migrate a variety of data sources into your application.
There are a lot of ways to make sure you proofread it well (like printing it out), but one of the more interesting ways we've seen is to read it from the bottom up.
Therefore, it is important to prepare in advance and have a set of well thought out interview questions.
When you are not hearing well, Dr. Rauch said, “you’re out of it in the conversation, and people draw their own conclusions, ” inferences that may be less than flattering.
Because media failure is the most complex of all the types of failure, you must have a well-thought-out strategy to plan for it.
The amount of time it takes will depend on how well you map out your processes.
This usually means stepping out of your comfort zone and taking chances and the rewards can certainly be well worth it.
In this week's Nature they have published the technical details of a new battery material that will, if all goes well, take the waiting out of wanting, at least when it comes to recharging.
It is all very well Asia lifting itself out of poverty, and perhaps Latin America too, but surely, says the pessimist, it is hard to imagine Africa following suit.
It is all very well Asia lifting itself out of poverty, and perhaps Latin America too, but surely, says the pessimist, it is hard to imagine Africa following suit.