When the Kelveys were well out of sight of Burnells', they sat down to rest on a big red drain-pipe by the side of the road.
The bench provides out-of-sight storage for AV equipment, books, toys and firewood below as well as providing additional seating for the living area.
If you have children, be sure that their toys are picked up and put out of sight as well.
Except for the demand of GATA (Guard Against Theft and Alarm) system, the remote controlling and monitoring of car status and parameters is needed as well when car is out of sight.
If you're a Fantastical, you need to have all the pieces of your work spread out in front of you. If it's not within your line of sight, it may as well not exist.
If you're a Fantastical, you need to have all the pieces of your work spread out in front of you. If it's not within your line of sight, it may as well not exist.