Professor Irvine-Halliday says many people spend well over one hundred dollars a year on the fuel.
Well over one million people lined the streets, ululating and Shouting in grief and respect to their fallen monarch.
Small prayer halls or shrines are virtually universal in the homes of believers, and pilgrims coming to Lhasa number well over one million each year.
This invention of social security is well over one hundred years old, but I think that, because of the rapid advance of information technology, we're going to see a lot more progress.
Many of these files are pieces of professional photography, each one weighing in at well over 1MB.
Well, one suggestion is the EU could look at the bond yields that Greece has had to offer over a long time period to sell government debt, rather than just focussing on the recent past.
I don't know why I slept so well after agonizing all weekend over the question of home, if I had one anymore, where it was.
No one knows for sure how well cash and other big-ticket rewards work in education over the long haul.
If over the course of an entire year you read one novel a month, I'd guess that you could probably fit in one extra as well (perhaps during the summer holidays).
The third shot up and over one large bunker is the key to scoring well on this hole.
In the days after Jackson's death, music critics stumbled over one another to praise him for the way he blended black music and white as well as for the rigor of his stage performances.
Although your child may not eat three well balanced meals each day, as long as it balances out over a one or two week period, with foods from all of the food groups, then he likely has a healthy diet.
So one might assume this drive for the ideal translates over to their health as well, with perfectionist being models for physical and mental well-being.
That's one rationale for handing this issue over to Congress: The Clean Air Act, as written, simply isn't well-designed to handle a massive issue like climate change.
But they are unlikely to shrug off a 10% plunge within one year, particularly since America's homeowners have become used to their housing wealth rising by well over 5% a year.
Last week, South Korea's intelligence agency arrested one of its own former agents, as well as an active two-star army general, for handing over classified information.
That's not to say you should always choose a so-so girl over a seemingly better one, just that the so-so girl probably has things going for her as well.
当然这并不是说你总是应该选择那些看起来不怎么样的女孩,而不是那些看起来很棒的。 以上这些只是告诉你,那些看起来不怎么样的女孩,很可能也有她们自己的优点。
One study found that volunteer work enhanced all six aspects of well-being: happiness, life satisfaction, self-esteem, sense of control over life, physical health, and depression.
In warmer weather, water drains off the mossy, treeless summit of one of Scotland's most eerily beautiful landscapes, cascading over well-worn rocks for several hundred feet.
It also provides Milton with the figure of Mammon who will, as you will see over the course of this semester become - well, here in Paradise Lost he's one of the key fallen angels in Milton's hell.
Less clear, largely because no one has bothered to look, are the emissions over its entire production life cycle - that is, from the moment a well is plumbed to the point at which the gas is used.
Intervention is an option but, despite the increased reserve levels and balance sheet position (around 55% in euros, from over 70% last year), it could well be a futile one.
Billing charges accrued over the whole month include instances of servers running for the complete 30 days as well as servers running only up to one minute.
Important: Put at one or two Vikings in the air directly over each pair of Bunkers as well.
The 20-year-old Slovakian winger has made one starting appearance as well as three off the bench for City this season, scoring his first senior goal in the win over Arsenal in the Carling Cup.
The 20-year-old Slovakian winger has made one starting appearance as well as three off the bench for City this season, scoring his first senior goal in the win over Arsenal in the Carling Cup.