After the war he resumed his duties at Wellesley College.
She graduated from Wellesley College and Yale Law School.
Wellesley College possesses a unique campus landscape which no other school can compare.
After graduating from Wellesley College, she attended a law school at Yale where she met her husband, Bill Clinton.
The reason we picked these two cities we asked realtors - Karl Case, who's my colleague, he teaches at Wellesley College.
The Gifted students from Wellesley College and the most well-known law office in Little Rock from Yale law School have become partners.
Nabokov eventually found his niche, teaching at Wellesley College and Cornell and finally publishing Lolita, after many rejections, in 1955.
Soong-Mei-ling arrived in America at age 10, studying at a boarding school in New Jersey and a public school in Georgia before graduating from Wellesley College.
宋美龄10岁时到了美国,在从威尔斯利学院(Wellesley College,马萨诸塞州)毕业之前,先后在新泽西的一家寄宿学校和乔治亚州的一所公立学校就读。
A town of eastern Massachusetts west-southwest of Boston. It is a residential community and the seat of Wellesley College (established 1870). Population, 26,615.
"The loss of this valuable and irreplaceable painting has saddened the entire community, and we still hope it will be found, " said Wellesley College President Kim Bottomly.
A native of Illinois, Hillary Rodham attracted national attention in 1969 when she delivered a controversial address as the first student to speak at commencement exercises for Wellesley College.
A native of Illinois, Hillary Rodham attracted national attention in 1969 when she delivered a controversial address as the first student to speak at commencement exercises for Wellesley College.