With 1.7m more women than men convention went by the board: for the first time women's advertisements outnumbered those placed by men.
Some of the old-fashioned ways of doing things—dressing for dinner, for example—went by the board, but the sisters still expected Sophie to produce three meals a day.
在斯黛芬姐妹的父母相继过世后,索菲跟随“吉尼亚小姐” 和 瓦纳莎一同来到布鲁姆斯伯里。在这里,姐妹俩决定尝试一种新的生活方式,因此一些旧式的行为方式被抛弃,譬如要穿戴整齐后才能吃晚餐。
On both sides, simple courtesy has gone by the board. And for a multitude of consumers, service went with it.
As part of an agreement with Mr. Jobs in place before he went on leave, some board members have been briefed weekly on the CEO's condition by his physician.
The first bribe paid by your correspondent, in Ukraine in 1998, went to two policemen so they would let him board a train leaving the country.
As the years went by, those trade surpluses just keep growing - and so did China's board of foreign assets.
As the years went by, those trade surpluses just keep growing - and so did China's board of foreign assets.