Americans are justly proud of the West Point Military Academy.
I am very sincere because I have visited West Point military academy. All my information here is true.
Pakistan's main military academy—the country’s Sandhurst or West Point—is only short distance away on foot.
The researchers came to their conclusions after studying the development of 900 army cadet officers over a three-year period at the US Military Academy at West Point, New York.
In 1830, his stepfather, John Allan, helped Poe win an appointment to the Military Academy at West point.
The troop withdrawals from Afghanistan will begin next month, as Obama promised when he ordered the surge in a speech 18 months ago at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York.
Kori Schake is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution and an associate professor at the United States Military Academy at West Point.
Poe served in the Army for two years, before entering the United States Military Academy at West Point to become an officer. He was dismissed from the academy in eighteen thirty-one after six months.
After a three-month review, the president delivers a televised prime-time address at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point Tuesday to broadly define the mission of the war.
经过三个月的审议过后,周二黄金时段,奥巴马将在美国陆军军官学校 (U.S.Military AcademyatWest Point,即“西点军校”)发表电视讲话,对美军在阿富汗的任务给出宽泛定义。
This week in our series for students who want to study in the United States, we tell about the United States military academy at west point.
West Point, the most famous military academy of calls for those young people the United States, _______________________ with a true vocation _________________.
Military Academy at West Point investigated 15 cases during the same time period.
The United States Military Academy at West Point, NewYork, has always had excellent football players, too.
The United States Military Academy at West Point, NewYork, has always had excellent football players, too.