The agreement marks a setback for the European Union and the US, which have urged Kazakhstan to export oil and gas across the Caspian to western markets.
The European Union says a Chinese cargo ship has been hijacked in the western Indian Ocean.
According to European Union statistics, the amount of municipal waste produced in western Europe increased by 23% between 1995 and 2003, to reach 577kg per person.
It says the declaration does not blame farm subsidies in the US, European Union and other Western food-producers for a major role in driving up prices.
Ukraine tried to increase ties with western Europe and the U.S., seeking membership to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization last year and the European Union.
Without even a remote chance of early European Union membership, Albania is eager to join the other principal Western club soon.
In the European Union and Western Europe, Denmark and Finland are best, tied for second with a 9.4 index value.
The WFP, which obtains funds from western donors such as the US, the European Union, Japan and Canada, says only 10 per cent of its needs in the region are funded.
Western Europe is the largest chocolate market in the world (Haymarket Network Ltd. June 2012) and Britain has the biggest confectionary market among the European Union (Barnett 2006).
Western Europe is the largest chocolate market in the world (Haymarket Network Ltd. June 2012) and Britain has the biggest confectionary market among the European Union (Barnett 2006).