To the plateau from the south sub-tropical mountain climate Change is not the four seasons, wet and dry season, clearly.
One theory behind savanna formation is that wet forest species are unable to withstand the dry season, and thus savanna, rather than rain forest, is favored on the site.
“We don’t need more water in the dry season, and we don’t need less in the wet season, ” she said. “We would like to see the water as it is.”
Flowers were available in the community year-round, but 53.2% species flowered in Mar-May corresponding to the late dry and early wet season of the year.
In many Asian countries, including Vietnam, Thailand, and some parts of China, you will see a wet season and a dry season.
Native plants will reduce dependency on irrigation during the wet season, while on-site wastewater treatment and cisterns provide irrigation during the dry season.
In the far northern gulf country and cape york peninsula there are huge empty regions cut by countless dry riverbeds which can become overflowing rivers in the wet season.
Account should also be taken of the difference between dry - and wet-season soil conditions. If the ground freezes in winter, the choice of systems may be limited.
Total hardness, the concentrations of sulfate and chloride in homemade wells at wet season were significantly higher than those at dry season(P<0.05, P<0.01).
The Yunnan power grid is characterized by uneven distribution of power sources, large difference in power source output between wet season and dry season and rapid increase of load.
The Yunnan power grid is characterized by uneven distribution of power sources, large difference in power source output between wet season and dry season and rapid increase of load.