What can be said about Kobe Bryant that hasn't already been said?
Jumping into the debate, what can be said about the laws of Nature?
But the result is that what can be said and what can't be said are separated.
Now that China has control of its mines and railways, what can be said of its progress?
What can be said about a sunrise that hasn't been said before? Nothing unless we can learn how a sunrise has inspired some great and noble men before.
Let us then see what can be said about the total magnitude of dissonance in a person created by the knowledge that he said "not X" and really believes "X."
What can be said about the equity aspects involved in these cutting-edge developments that incorporate more cross-functional and supposedly public Spaces?
The layoffs may please shareholders because they reflect action, any action, which is better than what can be said of some of HSBC's competitors, says Leech.
What can be said, quite clearly, is that Britain, like almost all other countries that claim to be civilised, does not criminalise investigation into its history.
At last he said, "Oh, you wretched beard-cleaner, you piebald fool, you hungry mouse-hunter, what can you be thinking of?"
I don't believe what you said, but if you can prove it, you may be able to convince me.
I don’t believe what you said, but if you can prove it, you may be able to convince me.
How boring it must be to stay at home to work on a holiday! Soon she said to herself, "What harm can there be in moving the mark Grandmother put?"
"Those scripts will be a helpful blueprint for what will work in the film," said Mehta, "We can push the boundaries in film that in television might have been constrained."
You can ask yourselves these questions, Sumber said: "What is it like to be the villain in the dream?"
“We can’t tell what will be here in 10 years, ” he said. “All I can do right now is build up Wuqi’s environment and infrastructure and talent pool, for when the opportunity comes.
That means the findings may not apply to all groups, Sinha said. The study relied on people's memory of what they ate, which can be faulty.
"What took months can be done now in days or weeks, " Zaman said. "It's amazing."
He spoke to CNN about what has kept him at the top for so long and Shared advice that he said can be applied to all professions.
And what we said was that derivatives market, it needs — it can continue, but it's got to be in an open, transparent marketplace so that everybody knows who is betting on what.
This intensity can be felt in his plays, which often consider the ambiguity of language and the tension between what is said and what is left unspoken.
The next day when I greet her, my heart is breaking, and I can barely speak as I say what must be said: "Do not bring me an apple tomorrow," I tell her.
In the process, Jarvis said, underground aquifers can be irrevocably damaged — not unlike what happened to oil reservoirs when that industry pumped them too rapidly.
After listening to their praise of the officers one morning, Mr Bennet said coolly, 'From what I can see, you must be two of the silliest girls in the country.
"Priorities shift, but that doesn't mean you're selling out - you are facing reality and trying to be realistic about what you can achieve and you should stop beating yourself up about it," she said.
"Priorities shift, but that doesn't mean you're selling out - you are facing reality and trying to be realistic about what you can achieve and you should stop beating yourself up about it," she said.