Firstly, you have to think about what can I do to respect the building and how can I bring it back to life?
Ask the other person, "What can I do to help you?" and be glad to do it.
"What can I do for you?" asked the tinker.
Ylaya: What can I do to execute your will?
"But what can I do here all day Sunday?" Martin asked.
The most helpful would be – What can I do to be kinder to the child?
So a lot of people out there ask me about what can I do for veterans.
Yes, I know. I tried that. They don't have anything now. So what can I do?
What can I do to keep the audience’s attention through the whole of my presentation.
What can I do to ensure that I follow through and stay accountable with these changes?
It's an exciting finding because so often people say, 'Oh, it's all in my genes, what can I do?'
这是一个令人兴奋的发现,因为人们总是说,'噢,这一切都取决于我的基因,我有什么办法呢? '?
In these swiftly escaping days, what can I do in this world amongst thousands of households?
My work and experience are in good shape, but I haven't found a partner, so what can I do?" Chen said。
I think, Instead of criticizing, what can I do differently? Or what am I doing that is upsetting him?
What can I do that would make their lives better in some way, and they would be willing to pay money for?
What can I do at home to conserve this precious resource, and will my efforts actually have any effect?
My gut feeling is terrible, I’m always getting in a mess by listening to myself, what can I do about it?
Ask yourself: What can I do? Think of at least three things. For example, in this situation you might think.
When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, 'Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?
I'm in the kitchen starting the coffee when Mom comes in. "What can I do to help?" she asks before she even clears the door.
So, the father gets a Nobel Prize for showing that an electron is a particle, and the son says, well, what can I do to top that?
"From being all me, me, me, they should be thinking, what can I do for my family, my friends, my colleagues, even my boss," he said.
“From being all me, me, me, they should be thinking, what can I do for my family, my friends, my colleagues, even my boss, ” he said.
"You say, Eighty-eight billion, what can I do with that?" said Mr. Fischer, who owns a jewelry concessionaire for Florida theme parks.
'You say,' Eighty-eight billion, what can I do with that? "said Mr." Fischer, who owns a jewelry concessionaire for Florida theme parks.
So the daughter said, "But, what can I do to fulfill all these noble obligations and this beautiful duty that you have just told me about?"
So the daughter said, "But, what can I do to fulfill all these noble obligations and this beautiful duty that you have just told me about?"