Point 2. Problems identify. What did you find out from your research? (Summary of your finding)?
In your research, what did you find to be the differences in parenting in the U.S. among blacks, whites, Latinos, and Asian-Americans?
In your research, what did you find to be the differences in parenting in the U. S. among blacks, whites, Latinos, and Asian-Americans?
What things did you find yourself doing over and over again, things that you feel could have been made easier?
If you genuinely want to find out what they did, you have to make it okay for them to have done something wrong.
Whether it's to a movie, a nice dinner, a backyard date, or something you both have never tried, find something that will be reminiscent of what you did together when you were dating.
The key is not to give up even if you fail to deliver 10 projects successfully in a row. Keep an open eye, do a retrospective and find out what made it fail, and especially what *you* did wrong.
The Web services server did respond with an IOException, but that was not enough information for you to find out what went wrong.
So the fact that line 9 did not match, if you find a matching sock which we didn't, that means we immediately jump to the else which is line 13 and so Philip now has to do what?
How did ETS find you? What is it like working with ETS?
He started at the word ambitious. He repeated, no. What made you think of ambition? Who is ambitious? I know I am: but how did you find it out?
How did you interpret the prompt for the competition and what aspect of it did you find most important?
Find people who have accomplished what you want to accomplish, discover what they did and model their behavior.
Lucky you. What did you do it on? I'm still trying to find an interesting topic.
I have disassembled my BIOS to have a look around, and while I won't post all the results here, I'll tell you what I did find.
Do not learn the ability to even find a real job is to muddle through, but you really did not have the strength to work on even you have another certificate what is the use ah?
International Circulation: Professor Hu, here at ESC 2009 what particularly did you find of importance for Chinese physicians or a real highlight here for you?
国际循环:胡教授,您认为对中国医生来说ESC 2009上尤其应关注什么,或引起您注意的是什么?
Leona: well... what is it? Did you find Jenny or Ellen?
Yale University did research which allows you to find out what side of the brain you are using by watching girl spin in a picture.
The MIT Public Service Center will work to help those of you who choose this option find an appropriate project, and you will write about what you did for your writing assignment.
What kind of things did you find in the dirt? Were you surprised to find things like leaves and twigs and a worm?
I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love.
If you did not find what you are looking for, you may have entered the name incorrectly or you may be dealing with an individual or firm not registered with the CFTC and not an NFA member.
What did he mean when he said, 'You will look for me, but you will not find me, ' and'Where I am, you cannot come'?
他说,你们要找我,却找不着,我所在的地方,你们不能到。 这话是什么意思呢?
Ask them what they did it. Find ways to free up your mental energy for things that are more important to you.
Ask them what they did it. Find ways to free up your mental energy for things that are more important to you.